Found 2646 Hypotheses across 265 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. Ancestors' dependence on herding will be predictive of a willingness to punish in contemporary societies. (5)Cao, Yiming - Herding, Warfare, and a Culture of Honor: Global Evidence, 2021 - 2 Variables

    The authors of this study globally test the culture of honor hypothesis, which proposes that societies with traditional herding practices developed value systems that encourage revenge and violence. Because their livelihood depends on a mobile asset, herders are more vulnerable to theft and may be more likely to turn to violence or aggressiveness to defend their animals. The authors found dependence on herding to be significantly associated with both past and contemporary conflict and punishment.

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  2. Dependency on herding will be predictive of themes of violence and punishment in pre-industrial societies. (5)Cao, Yiming - Herding, Warfare, and a Culture of Honor: Global Evidence, 2021 - 3 Variables

    The authors of this study globally test the culture of honor hypothesis, which proposes that societies with traditional herding practices developed value systems that encourage revenge and violence. Because their livelihood depends on a mobile asset, herders are more vulnerable to theft and may be more likely to turn to violence or aggressiveness to defend their animals. The authors found dependence on herding to be significantly associated with both past and contemporary conflict and punishment.

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  3. The frequency of rape and wife beating are correlated with warfare (2).Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence Against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 3 Variables

    This study investigates variation in rates of violence against women, primarily interested in two main hypotheses: the Culture of Violence Hypothesis and the Functional Violence Hypothesis. Using the SCCS along with variables from Broude & Greene (1976) and Ember & Ember (1992), the study concluded that warring societies were associated with a greater intolerance of rape, contradicting the Culture of Violence Hypothesis, whereas wife beating, as well as tolerance towards rape, increased with scarcity of women, in line with the evolutionary Functional Violence Hypothesis.

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  4. War wealth will be positively associated with the frequency of external warfareEff, E. Anthon - Farming and Fighting: An Empirical Analysis of the Ecological-Evolutionary T..., 2012 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to reevaluate Nolan's (2003) study on the primary determinants of war. They reanalyze his hypotheses with what they claim are more robust measures and methodology. They conclude that there is only a little evidence supporting Nolan's theories, that more productive echnology and higher population density predict war, and that overall ecological-evolutionary and sociopolitical explanations of war are equally supported by empirical data.

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  5. Boreal forests will be negatively associated with the frequency of external warfareEff, E. Anthon - Farming and Fighting: An Empirical Analysis of the Ecological-Evolutionary T..., 2012 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to reevaluate Nolan's (2003) study on the primary determinants of war. They reanalyze his hypotheses with what they claim are more robust measures and methodology. They conclude that there is only a little evidence supporting Nolan's theories, that more productive echnology and higher population density predict war, and that overall ecological-evolutionary and sociopolitical explanations of war are equally supported by empirical data.

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  6. Political autonomy will be positively associated with the frequency of external warfareEff, E. Anthon - Farming and Fighting: An Empirical Analysis of the Ecological-Evolutionary T..., 2012 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to reevaluate Nolan's (2003) study on the primary determinants of war. They reanalyze his hypotheses with what they claim are more robust measures and methodology. They conclude that there is only a little evidence supporting Nolan's theories, that more productive echnology and higher population density predict war, and that overall ecological-evolutionary and sociopolitical explanations of war are equally supported by empirical data.

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  7. Population density will be positively associated with the frequency of external warEff, E. Anthon - Farming and Fighting: An Empirical Analysis of the Ecological-Evolutionary T..., 2012 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to reevaluate Nolan's (2003) study on the primary determinants of war. They reanalyze his hypotheses with what they claim are more robust measures and methodology. They conclude that there is only a little evidence supporting Nolan's theories, that more productive echnology and higher population density predict war, and that overall ecological-evolutionary and sociopolitical explanations of war are equally supported by empirical data.

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  8. Feuding will be positively associated with frequency of rape (430).Otterbein, Keith F. - A cross-cultural study of rape, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study examines two theories concerning the prevalence of rape: deterrence theory and fraternal interest group theory. Results indicate that both punishment and fraternal interest groups influence the frequency of rape, though neither variable is a necessary cause. The effects of marital residence and polygyny are also considered.

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  9. The presence of high gods will be negatively associated with the frequency of external warfareEff, E. Anthon - Farming and Fighting: An Empirical Analysis of the Ecological-Evolutionary T..., 2012 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to reevaluate Nolan's (2003) study on the primary determinants of war. They reanalyze his hypotheses with what they claim are more robust measures and methodology. They conclude that there is only a little evidence supporting Nolan's theories, that more productive echnology and higher population density predict war, and that overall ecological-evolutionary and sociopolitical explanations of war are equally supported by empirical data.

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  10. The presence of writing and records will be positively associated with the frequency of external warfareEff, E. Anthon - Farming and Fighting: An Empirical Analysis of the Ecological-Evolutionary T..., 2012 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to reevaluate Nolan's (2003) study on the primary determinants of war. They reanalyze his hypotheses with what they claim are more robust measures and methodology. They conclude that there is only a little evidence supporting Nolan's theories, that more productive echnology and higher population density predict war, and that overall ecological-evolutionary and sociopolitical explanations of war are equally supported by empirical data.

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