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  1. ". . . adults who were rejected as children tend pan-culturally to be emotionally unresponsive. . . . less emotionally stable. . . . [and to have a] negative world view . . ." (102, 103)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 4 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  2. ". . . parental rejection in children, as well as in adults who were rejected as children, leads to: hostility, aggression, passive aggression, or problems with the management of hostility and aggression . . ." (168)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  3. ". . . rejected children are often more dependent than accepted children . . ." (101)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  4. "Dependency may also be related to a rejected child's 'conflict over nurturance' . . . i.e. his conflict over positive desire to give succorance or love . . . and his fear . . . about committing himself emotionally and thus exposing himself to the threat of further rejection" (101)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  5. "Where grandparents . . . are present as significant child-rearing agents, children tend to be given a fair amount of warmth . . ." (114)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  6. “[Among the] constellation of personality traits that seem to characterize rejected children the world over [is] …negative self evaluation” (Rohner 1975:97)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  7. ". . . the more children are wanted before they are born the more they are loved after parturition. . . . [but this] forecast is . . . poorer for the warmth five years later" (118, 170)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  8. “…the more important fathers are as alternate caretakers, and the more accessible fathers are to their children, the more likely children are to be accepted” (Rohner 1975:169)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  9. "…adults who were accepted as children are more generous and more responsible than those who were rejected" (Rohner 1975: 170)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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  10. "The theory..predicts that the supernatural world..will be viewed as hostile and malevolent in societies where parents rject their children…" (Rohner 1975: 106)Rohner, Ronald P. - They love me, they love me not: a worldwide study of the effects of parental..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The purpose of this book is to introduce a conceptual and methodological perspective called the "universalist approach," and to use this approach in exploring the pancultural antecedents and affects of parental acceptance-rejection of children,

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