Found 2786 Hypotheses across 279 Pages (0.051 seconds)
  1. The Bantu migrated through the Central African rainforest around 4,000 years ago.Koile, Ezequiel - Phylogeographic analysis of the Bantu language expansion supports a rainfore..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    How and when did Bantu populations expand through sub-Saharan Africa? Using phylogeographic analyses, the authors test four main hypotheses which aim to explain the route that the Bantu took as well as the date of expansion. The results suggest that Bantu populations migrated through the Central African rainforest around 4,400 years ago.

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  2. The Bantu split early on north of the rainforest.Koile, Ezequiel - Phylogeographic analysis of the Bantu language expansion supports a rainfore..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    How and when did Bantu populations expand through sub-Saharan Africa? Using phylogeographic analyses, the authors test four main hypotheses which aim to explain the route that the Bantu took as well as the date of expansion. The results suggest that Bantu populations migrated through the Central African rainforest around 4,400 years ago.

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  3. The Bantu migrated through a coastal route around 4,000 years ago.Koile, Ezequiel - Phylogeographic analysis of the Bantu language expansion supports a rainfore..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    How and when did Bantu populations expand through sub-Saharan Africa? Using phylogeographic analyses, the authors test four main hypotheses which aim to explain the route that the Bantu took as well as the date of expansion. The results suggest that Bantu populations migrated through the Central African rainforest around 4,400 years ago.

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  4. Certain musical features will occur universally in the global sample of recordings (8987).Savage, Patrick E. - Statistical universals reveal the structures and functions of human music, 2015 - 1 Variables

    The authors develop CantoCore, an expansion of Lomax's Cantometrics scheme, in order to code for additional candidate musical universals. No musical feature occurs with absolute universality, but several features occur with statistically significant frequency after controlling for historical relatedness, and an additional set of features were found to be universally related to each other. The authors highlight the role of these features in human coordination and cohesion, as well as their their utility to the fields of musical cognition and evolution.

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  5. 6 of the features coded (high register, loud volume, isochronous beat, dance, group performance, and percussion instruments) will be universally related to each other across world regions.Savage, Patrick E. - Statistical universals reveal the structures and functions of human music, 2015 - 1 Variables

    The authors develop CantoCore, an expansion of Lomax's Cantometrics scheme, in order to code for additional candidate musical universals. No musical feature occurs with absolute universality, but several features occur with statistically significant frequency after controlling for historical relatedness, and an additional set of features were found to be universally related to each other. The authors highlight the role of these features in human coordination and cohesion, as well as their their utility to the fields of musical cognition and evolution.

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  6. Political complexity of the society in which a language is spoken will be positively associated with the geographic range of that language (7340).Currie, Thomas E. - Political complexity predicts the spread of ethnolinguistic groups, 2009 - 6 Variables

    The researchers utilize a GIS approach in order to examine the relationship between global linguistic distribution and various cultural and environmental factors. The resulting positive association between political complexity and both latitude and language range leads the researchers to propose that large, politically complex entities exert a homogenizing pressure on language. However, the causal link may also be in the other direction, with possession of common language facilitating the creation of more complex political institutions.

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  7. The adoption of cattle will be associated with the loss of matrilinyHolden, Clare Janki - Spread of cattle led to the loss of matrilineal descent in Africa: a coevolu..., 2003 - 4 Variables

    Through phylogenetic comparison, Holden and Mace explore the relationship between descent and cattle among a sample of 68 Bantu/Bantoid-speaking populations in Africa. The authors posit that when matrilineal cultures adopt cattle, they become patrilineal. Possible theories are offered to explain trends and variation in the data.

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  8. As time since migration increases, small-scale societies will move through the following sequence of residence and descent configurations: matrilocal and patrilineal to matrilocal and bilateral to matrilocal and matrilineal to avunculocal and matrilineal to patrilocal and bilateral or patrilineal.Jones, Doug - The Matrilocal Tribe: An Organization of Demic Expansion, 2011 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the author argues that matrilocality is a form of social organization that is conducive to expansion in tribal societies with smaller populations. Because this organization increases internal solidarity and success in external warfare, the theory suggests that it is best suited for expansion on cultural frontiers by groups with small populations. The author supports this theory with empirical tests on 33 societies and case studies of Bantu and Austronesian expansion.

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  9. Mobility of subsistence strategy will be positively associated with geographic language range (7340).Currie, Thomas E. - Political complexity predicts the spread of ethnolinguistic groups, 2009 - 2 Variables

    The researchers utilize a GIS approach in order to examine the relationship between global linguistic distribution and various cultural and environmental factors. The resulting positive association between political complexity and both latitude and language range leads the researchers to propose that large, politically complex entities exert a homogenizing pressure on language. However, the causal link may also be in the other direction, with possession of common language facilitating the creation of more complex political institutions.

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  10. Length of conversational turn-taking transition will vary between cultures independent of other predictors (10588).Stivers, Tanya - Universals and cultural variation in turn-taking in conversation, 2009 - 2 Variables

    In order to investigate cross-cultural variation in systems of conversational turn-taking (who speaks and when), the researchers analyze the association of various contextual, verbal, and non-verbal factors with mean response time. Despite some variation in response time between languages, each of the explanatory variables is found to have significant impact on response time independent of language. A further test on subjective perception of ideal response time suggests that although similar factors act on response patterns cross-culturally (in support of a 'universal systems' theory), speakers are hypersensitive to even minor cultural variations in response time.

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