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  1. Possession trance will be more prevalent among societies with greater role and structure differentiation (54).Greenbaum, Lenora - Societal correlates of possession trance in sub-saharan africa, 1973 - 2 Variables

    This study examines correlates of possession trance among cultures in sub-Saharan Africa. Several variables were tested (including community organization, marriage form, family form, and settlement pattern) but only a few were related to possession trance. Results indicate that the presence of slavery, stratification, and role and structure differentiation are significantly associated with possession trance.

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  2. Societies with slavery and/or stratification will be more likely to have possession trance (50).Greenbaum, Lenora - Societal correlates of possession trance in sub-saharan africa, 1973 - 3 Variables

    This study examines correlates of possession trance among cultures in sub-Saharan Africa. Several variables were tested (including community organization, marriage form, family form, and settlement pattern) but only a few were related to possession trance. Results indicate that the presence of slavery, stratification, and role and structure differentiation are significantly associated with possession trance.

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  3. A society's reliance on hunting and fishing will be positively associated with the presence of active trance (269).Swanson, Guy E. - Trance and possession: studies of charismatic influence, 1978 - 2 Variables

    This study examines correlates of trance and possession in pre-industrial societies. Results suggest that the presence of trance/possession is associated with subsistence, number of jurisdictional levels, and community decision-making.

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  4. The presence of a mode of decision-making that embodies a reflective stance will be negatively related to the presence of active trance (270).Swanson, Guy E. - Trance and possession: studies of charismatic influence, 1978 - 2 Variables

    This study examines correlates of trance and possession in pre-industrial societies. Results suggest that the presence of trance/possession is associated with subsistence, number of jurisdictional levels, and community decision-making.

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  5. Altered states of consciousness are examined.Winkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 1 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neurophysiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning altered states of consciousness are tested.

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  6. Possession-belief-only will be associated with nomadism; possession-trance belief will be associated with sedentarism (43).Bourguignon, Erika - Possession, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates possession and possession-trance. While the author focuses on a case study of Haiti, there are also a handful of cross cultural tests performed. Results suggest that societal complexity is associated with belief in possession-trance, rather than possession alone.

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  7. Possession-trance belief will be associated with jurisdictional hierarchy beyond the local level; possession-belief-only will not (43).Bourguignon, Erika - Possession, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates possession and possession-trance. While the author focuses on a case study of Haiti, there are also a handful of cross cultural tests performed. Results suggest that societal complexity is associated with belief in possession-trance, rather than possession alone.

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  8. Possession-trance belief will be associated with class structure or slavery; possession-belief only will not (44).Bourguignon, Erika - Possession, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates possession and possession-trance. While the author focuses on a case study of Haiti, there are also a handful of cross cultural tests performed. Results suggest that societal complexity is associated with belief in possession-trance, rather than possession alone.

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  9. Possession-belief-only will be associated with small society size; possession-trance belief will be associated with large population size (43).Bourguignon, Erika - Possession, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This book investigates possession and possession-trance. While the author focuses on a case study of Haiti, there are also a handful of cross cultural tests performed. Results suggest that societal complexity is associated with belief in possession-trance, rather than possession alone.

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  10. Complex, hierarchical societies are correlated with the presence of female-dominated possession trance.Wood, Conner P. - Complexity and possession: Gender and social structure in the variability of..., 2018 - 7 Variables

    A previous study conducted by Singh (2017) investigates why and how features of shamanism have culturally evolved, one such feature being shamanistic trance. However, the authors of this article argue that Singh fails to distinguish between different types of shamanistic trance. They find that possession trance, as compared to trance without possession, is primarily dominated by females and found in complex societies.

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