Found 1943 Hypotheses across 195 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. The rise of moralizing religions will be related to pastoralism.Turchin, Peter - Explaining the rise of moralizing religions: a test of competing hypotheses ..., 2023 - 2 Variables

    How did moralizing religions rise, and what have they caused? The authors test the Big Gods theory, which suggests moralizing religions as a predictor of large-scale complex societies. In addition, they propose their hypothesis, which indicates that warfare, animal husbandry, and agricultural productivity have a role in producing moralizing religions. The results show no significant support for the Big Gods hypothesis. However, they support intergroup warfare, particularly military technologies and cavalry, as an important predictor of social complexity and moralizing religions. In addition, pastoralism has a moderate effect as a predictor for the rise of moralizing religions.

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  2. The rise of moralizing religions will be related to increasing agricultural productivity.Turchin, Peter - Explaining the rise of moralizing religions: a test of competing hypotheses ..., 2023 - 2 Variables

    How did moralizing religions rise, and what have they caused? The authors test the Big Gods theory, which suggests moralizing religions as a predictor of large-scale complex societies. In addition, they propose their hypothesis, which indicates that warfare, animal husbandry, and agricultural productivity have a role in producing moralizing religions. The results show no significant support for the Big Gods hypothesis. However, they support intergroup warfare, particularly military technologies and cavalry, as an important predictor of social complexity and moralizing religions. In addition, pastoralism has a moderate effect as a predictor for the rise of moralizing religions.

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  3. The rise of moralizing religions will be related to an increase in large-scale complex societies.Turchin, Peter - Explaining the rise of moralizing religions: a test of competing hypotheses ..., 2023 - 2 Variables

    How did moralizing religions rise, and what have they caused? The authors test the Big Gods theory, which suggests moralizing religions as a predictor of large-scale complex societies. In addition, they propose their hypothesis, which indicates that warfare, animal husbandry, and agricultural productivity have a role in producing moralizing religions. The results show no significant support for the Big Gods hypothesis. However, they support intergroup warfare, particularly military technologies and cavalry, as an important predictor of social complexity and moralizing religions. In addition, pastoralism has a moderate effect as a predictor for the rise of moralizing religions.

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  4. Cultural transmission, resource scarcity, animal husbandry, community size, and caste stratification will be positively associated with a belief in moralizing gods, while agricultural potential, population size, and external warfare will be negatively associated with a belief in moralizing gods (11).Brown, Christian - The state and the supernatural: support for prosocial behavior, 2010 - 9 Variables

    This article identifies several methodological errors in the original study or moralizing gods by Roes and Raymond (2003) and presents new multiple regression model. Results suggest that a belief in moralizing gods is spread though cultural transmission, but it is also associated with conditions such as lower agricultural potential and lower external warfare. The authors theorize that moralizing gods have functional purposes such as bolstering property rights or maintaining social hierarchy.

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  5. Social complexity variables will cluster into two categories (scale and nonscale), resulting in two significant principal components of variation.Turchin, Peter - Quantitative historical analysis uncovers a single dimension of complexity t..., 2017 - 0 Variables

    Using the compiled database "Seshat: Global History Databank," researchers sampled 30 societies from 10 distinct regions of the world, testing 51 variables that were condensed into 9 "complex characteristic" variables. Researchers tested for correlates in how societies evolve structurally. Utilizing principal component analysis it was demonstrated that the complex characteristic variables were strongly associated, leading to theorization of structural and social evolution predictability.

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  6. Contrary to the Big Gods hypothesis, sociopolitical complexity precedes moralizing gods.Whitehouse, Harvey - Testing the Big Gods hypothesis with global historical data: a review and“re..., 2023 - 2 Variables

    This study challenges the Big Gods hypothesis, which suggests that moral gods are a critical factor that preceded the evolution of complex societies. Using the Seshat database, the authors expanded the codebook and database of their retracted article (see notes). The results show significant support that sociopolitical complexity and moralizing gods are associated and that sociopolitical complexity appears to precede the presence of Big Gods. The authors also show some support that sociopolitical complexity might be a driving factor of moralizing gods. Still, they state that the results are incomplete since they only focus on the possibility of reciprocal causality.

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  7. There is an association between moral gods and sociopolitical complexity.Whitehouse, Harvey - Testing the Big Gods hypothesis with global historical data: a review and“re..., 2023 - 2 Variables

    This study challenges the Big Gods hypothesis, which suggests that moral gods are a critical factor that preceded the evolution of complex societies. Using the Seshat database, the authors expanded the codebook and database of their retracted article (see notes). The results show significant support that sociopolitical complexity and moralizing gods are associated and that sociopolitical complexity appears to precede the presence of Big Gods. The authors also show some support that sociopolitical complexity might be a driving factor of moralizing gods. Still, they state that the results are incomplete since they only focus on the possibility of reciprocal causality.

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  8. "Societies with purely external warfare . . . have smaller total populations than societies with internal warfare" (141)Ember, Carol R. - An evaluation of alternative theories of matrilocal versus patrilocal residence, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper investigates the relationship between marital residence and warfare. The author evaluates two theories proposing opposite causalities: one, that internal warfarecauses patrilocality; the other, that residence comes first and influences type of warfare. The author presents a new model emphasizing the role of population size in determining type of warfare, which in turn affects marital residence. However, the role of migration in determining marital residence is also considered.

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  9. Moralizing high gods are more prevalent in stratified societies than unstratified societies.Bentzen, Jeanet Sinding - The power of religion, 2022 - 2 Variables

    This paper seeks to understand the extent to which religion has been used to legitimize political power in the past, and the extent to which that carries into contemporary institutions. The authors seek to demonstrate that there is a strong link between the stratification of societies in the past and the presence of autocracies in many of those same areas today. They make their case by putting forward, and testing, three linked theories -- first, that stratified societies are more likely to develop religions based on moralizing high gods as a means of divine legitimization, second, that the societies that used religion for legitimacy in their past are more likely to have religion embedded in their institutions today, and third, that societies that used religion for legitimacy in the past are more likely to be autocracies today.

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  10. Higher irrigation potential is linked to the presence of moralizing high gods.Bentzen, Jeanet Sinding - The power of religion, 2022 - 2 Variables

    This paper seeks to understand the extent to which religion has been used to legitimize political power in the past, and the extent to which that carries into contemporary institutions. The authors seek to demonstrate that there is a strong link between the stratification of societies in the past and the presence of autocracies in many of those same areas today. They make their case by putting forward, and testing, three linked theories -- first, that stratified societies are more likely to develop religions based on moralizing high gods as a means of divine legitimization, second, that the societies that used religion for legitimacy in their past are more likely to have religion embedded in their institutions today, and third, that societies that used religion for legitimacy in the past are more likely to be autocracies today.

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