Found 1223 Hypotheses across 123 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. In general, a population constant of 6 meters squared per person can be used on a sample of one or more dwellings from a single community (32)Brown, Barton McCaul - Population estimation from floor area: a restudy of "naroll's constant", 1987 - 1 Variables

    A restudy of Naroll's (1962) measure of dwelling floor area using theory that it is predicted by the basic needs for protection from climate and crowding. This theory is not supported by the findings but Brown posits a new average for estimating floor area in dwellings based on his sample.

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  2. Controlling for climate and date of pacification does not explain additional variance between dwelling floor area and population size (35)Brown, Barton McCaul - Population estimation from floor area: a restudy of "naroll's constant", 1987 - 3 Variables

    A restudy of Naroll's (1962) measure of dwelling floor area using theory that it is predicted by the basic needs for protection from climate and crowding. This theory is not supported by the findings but Brown posits a new average for estimating floor area in dwellings based on his sample.

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  3. Matrilocal societies have higher dwelling sizes than patrilocal societies.Brown, Barton McCaul - Population estimation from floor area: a restudy of "naroll's constant", 1987 - 2 Variables

    A restudy of Naroll's (1962) measure of dwelling floor area using theory that it is predicted by the basic needs for protection from climate and crowding. This theory is not supported by the findings but Brown posits a new average for estimating floor area in dwellings based on his sample.

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  4. Expected that more mobile societies have lower ratio of average household size to average house floor area than more sedentary societies (75).Porcic, Marko - Effects of residential mobility on the ratio of average house floor area to ..., 2012 - 2 Variables

    Examines whether nomadism affects the ratio of average house floor area to average household size.

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  5. Male absence due to war will be related to higher political participation for women (42, 50).Hoy, Andrew R. - The relationship between male dominance and militarism: quantitative tests o..., 1994 - 3 Variables

    Theories about the relationship between warfare, militarism, male dominance and authoritarianism are tested.

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  6. Higher government levels will be associated with several other measures of cultural complexity (203).Barry III, Herbert - Differences between otherwise similar communities reveal cultural linkages w..., 2009 - 9 Variables

    This study examines pairwise differences between similar cultures in order to minimize cultural variation within the SCCS and reveal possible correlates of cultural complexity. Results suggest that one measure of complexity (government above the community level) is significantly associated with several other variables.

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  7. Floor area of dwellings predicts population size of settlements (588).Naroll, Raoul - Floor area and settlement population, 1962 - 2 Variables

    This paper discusses the relationship between floor area and settlement population.

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  8. "Frequent external warfare should be correlated with houses that have larger living floor areas than when external warfare is infrequent" (304)Divale, William Tulio - The causes of matrilocal residence: a cross-ethnohistorical survey, 1974 - 2 Variables

    Author proposes and presents evidence in support of the theory that most societies practice virilocal or patrilocal residence (this is the "normal" pattern" and that matrilocal residence is adopted when societies migrate to an already populated area.

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  9. Anticipated dwelling use will be associated with floor area and wall height (13).Diehl, Michael W. - Architecture as a material correlate of mobility strategies: some implicatio..., 1992 - 3 Variables

    This article investigates a possible association between mobility strategy and dwelling construction. The author tests a broad hypothesis that planned duration of use for a structure is positively associated with the investment costs in building a dwelling. Some operational hypotheses are supported; others are not.

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  10. Societies in which social solidarity (low emphasis on obedience and low frequency of teasing) and sex differentiation are present in early childhood will be associated with the occurrence of initiation ceremonies (136, 138).Barry III, Herbert - Early childhood precursors of adolescent initiation ceremonies, 1980 - 4 Variables

    This study presents a psychological theory for adolescent initiation ceremonies. Findings support the hypothesis that initiation is a mechanism for maintaining continuity between the stages of childhood and adulthood, when the body is physiologically in discontinuity.

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