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  1. Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 2, "father-centered family", loaded highly and positively on patrilocal marital residence and bride price; patrilineal kin group; castes present; Circum-Mediterranean, with Afro-Asiatic linguistic affiliation; active high god; and subsistence by animal husbandry. Factor 2 loaded highly and negatively on painful female initiation rites (57)Stewart, Robert A. C. - Cultural dimensions: a factor analysis of textor's a cross-cultural summary, 1972 - 9 Variables

    This article uses factor analysis to identify the key variables underlying the many cross-cultural associations reported by Textor (1967). Twelve factors are identified.

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  2. Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 5, "matrilineal kin groups", loaded highly and positively on Crow-type cousin terminology; kin group matrilineal; community segmented on a clan basis; matrilocal marital residence; cousin marriage unilateral; codified laws present. Factor 5 loaded highly and negatively on kin groups patrilineal or double descent; marital residence patrilocal (59)Stewart, Robert A. C. - Cultural dimensions: a factor analysis of textor's a cross-cultural summary, 1972 - 9 Variables

    This article uses factor analysis to identify the key variables underlying the many cross-cultural associations reported by Textor (1967). Twelve factors are identified.

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  3. Findings: A factor analysis of permissiveness yielded three unrelated factors. Factor 1, "aggression-hypochondria" loaded heavily and positively on sexual and aggression anxiety, anal and aggression illness explanations, and fear of human beings. This factor loaded heavily and negatively on initial indulgence for aggression (152)Prothro, E. Terry - Patterns of permissiveness among preliterate peoples, 1960 - 7 Variables

    This study uses empirical analysis to parse out different dimensions of permissiveness in child-rearing. Oral-sexuality, independence-anality, and aggression are the dimensions identified.

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  4. "Significant correlations occur between ego strength and the variables of oral-anal anxiety, anal satisfaction, anal anxiety, sexual satisfaction, sexual anxiety . . ." (60)Allen, Martin G. - Childhood experience and adult personality--a cross-cultural study using the..., 1967 - 6 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between childhood experience and adult personality. This aspect of the adult personality is defined as ego strength. The emphasis of this study is mental health, maturity and the effectiveness of adult learning. Psychoanalytic theory predicts curvilinear relationships but most relationships are linear.

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  5. Findings: A factor analysis of permissiveness yielded three unrelated factors. Factor 3 in the permissiveness factor analysis, "independence-anality" factor, loaded heavily and positively on anal socialization anxiety and age at independence socialization. This factor loads heavily and negatively on initial anal indulgence (152)Prothro, E. Terry - Patterns of permissiveness among preliterate peoples, 1960 - 4 Variables

    This study uses empirical analysis to parse out different dimensions of permissiveness in child-rearing. Oral-sexuality, independence-anality, and aggression are the dimensions identified.

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  6. "There are no significant correlations between either crime or aggression and: the childhood variables of responsibility, self reliance, independence . . . and aggression satisfaction and anxiety in childhood . . ." (265)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 6 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  7. Active high gods will be more likely in societies with patrilocal marital residence, patrilineal descent, and transfer of wife to husband’s group after marriage (321). This will be true when individually controlling for society size (jurisdictional hierarchy), stratification, region, and religion.Roes, Frans L. - Permanent group membership, 2014 - 9 Variables

    This article reviews the theory that permanent animal groups have only one sex breed outside the group in order to balance genetic diversity and group relatedness. The author theorises that since males inherit valuable membership in patrilocal/lineal societies, they are expected to be more concerned about the probability of paternity than males in matrilocal/lineal societies. Moral rules, and specifically belief in moralizing gods, are expected to reflect this difference. In other words, moralizing gods are used to restrict the sexual activity of women.

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  8. Marital residence (matrilocal versus patrilocal) will be associated with household floor area (414).Porcic, Marko - House floor area as a correlate of marital residence pattern: a logistic reg..., 2010 - 2 Variables

    This article employs logistic regression to test the relationship between house floor area and marital residence. Results indicate there is an association, but the relationship is stronger in a solely agricultural sample and nonexistent in a non-agricultural sample. This is likely due to the tendency for mobile groups to build several smaller homes for faster and more efficient household construction. Overall the authors suggest that floor area alone should not be taken as a sole indicator of marital residence.

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  9. "In middle childhood . . . odor references [in folktales] was negatively related to: socialization anxiety, anal socialization anxiety, sexual socialization anxiety . . . and mean socialization anxiety" (4,5)Hines, Dwight - Possible rhinencephalic influences on human maternal behavior: a cross-cult..., 1974 - 5 Variables

    Authors study the correlation between maternal behavior and reference to odors in folktales. They find several significant relationships between odor references in folk tales, maternal behavior, and various aspects of infant and child socialization.

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  10. Matrilocal societies have higher dwelling sizes than patrilocal societies.Brown, Barton McCaul - Population estimation from floor area: a restudy of "naroll's constant", 1987 - 2 Variables

    A restudy of Naroll's (1962) measure of dwelling floor area using theory that it is predicted by the basic needs for protection from climate and crowding. This theory is not supported by the findings but Brown posits a new average for estimating floor area in dwellings based on his sample.

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