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  1. "Men stipulate an heir whose relatedness is less affected by low [probability of paternity] in societies where [probability of paternity] is relatively low" (653).Hartung, John - Paternity and inheritance of wealth, 1981 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between inheritance and paternity certainty. Results indicate an "association between relatively frequent female extramarital sex and a cultural norm that allows men to designate heirs whose relatedness is relatively unaffected by low probability of paternity."

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  2. According to Hartung (1981), mode of inheritance will be related to paternity certainty (103).Gray, J. Patrick - A note on brother inheritance, 1982 - 2 Variables

    This article presents a reanalysis of the theory put forth by Hartung (1981) regarding the relationship between inheritance and paternity confidence. The authors take issue with the original sample used and retest the hypothesis.

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  3. Direct and indirect care investments by biologically uncertain kin are positively associated with a society's paternity certainty level (p. 207).Huber, Brad R. - Evolutionary theory, kinship, and childbirth in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 4 Variables

    Using an evolutionary perspective, this study tests hypotheses relating gender and kinship roles to the amount of direct and indirect care provided during and around childbirth. The roles of paternal certainty, residence rules and descent groups are also examined.

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  4. Female extramarital promiscuity will be positively associated with endogamous marriage systems (157).Greene, Penelope J. - Promiscuity, paternity, and culture, 1978 - 2 Variables

    This study examines several aspects of human society that are associated with underlying patterns of genetic relationships. Results suggest that paternity certainty (measured by female extramarital promiscuity) is related to kinship terminology systems and marriage systems.

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  5. Controlling for mode of descent, paternity certainty will be related to inheritance (104).Gray, J. Patrick - A note on brother inheritance, 1982 - 3 Variables

    This article presents a reanalysis of the theory put forth by Hartung (1981) regarding the relationship between inheritance and paternity confidence. The authors take issue with the original sample used and retest the hypothesis.

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  6. Male parental certainty will be positively associated with inheritance of movable property (95, 97).Wolfe, Linda D. - Comment on gaulin and schlegel (1980), 1981 - 2 Variables

    This comment suggests methodological flaws in Gaulin and Schlegel’s (1980) article on male parental certainty and investment practices. The authors take issue with multiple coding decisions and suggest that the findings from the 1980 study ought to be rejected; data does not support a positive association between male parental certainty and investment practices.

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  7. Low confidence of paternity will generate uterine biases in the flow of altruism (445).Flinn, Mark V. - Uterine vs. agnatic kinship variability and associated cousin marriage prefe..., 1981 - 2 Variables

    This study discusses many variables that may influence the direction of altruism within a family. Significant relationships were found between paternity certainty, conjugal instability, marital residence, cross-cousin marriage preferences, and direction of altruistic behavior. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of the mother's brother.

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  8. Sexual jealousy will be associated with cultural attitudes towards pairbonding, progeny, property, and sex (333).Hupka, Ralph B. - Cultural determinants of jealousy, 1981 - 5 Variables

    This study explores the relationship between property ownership, pair bonding, and sex as predictors of romantic jealousy. The results of an unpublished cross-cultural study are presented in support of the theory.

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  9. Water scarcity will be associated with conceptions of a high god supportive of human morality (88).Snarey, John - The natural environment's impact upon religious ethics: a cross-cultural study, 1996 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between water scarcity and morally concerned high gods. Analysis supported this association. Implications of this cross-cultural finding are discussed.

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  10. A man's reproductive fitness will be most enhanced if he transfer's his heritable wealth to his son rather than his daughter (611).Hartung, John - On natural selection and the inheritance of wealth, 1976 - 1 Variables

    This study examines the relative reproductive benefits of different types of inheritance strategies. The author argues that, on the basis of the chromosomal corollary, a male's reproductive fitness will be most enhanced if his wealth transfers to his son and his son's son rather than to his daughter. Results from previous cross-cultural studies are provided in support of this hypothesis.

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