Found 5 Hypotheses across 1 Pages (0.001 seconds)
  1. "A relation appears between . . . avoidance customs . . . and . . . residence after marriage" (2)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  2. "Teknonymy [is] in close connection with the custom of the husband's residence in the wife's family [and is] still more closely attached to the practice of ceremonial avoidance by the husband of the wife's family" (4)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 3 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  3. "This . . . custom [the couvade] . . . proves to be not merely incidentally an indicator of the tendency of society from maternal to paternal, but the very sign and record of that vast change" (10)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  4. "Hostile capture [of women] . . . exists equally through the three stages of society, from maternal to paternal. . . . Connubial and formal capture belong only to the intermediate stage where paternal institutions are arising and to the later stage where they are established" (13, 14)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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  5. "The two institutions, exogamy and classificatory relationships are really connected. . . . [There is a] close causal connexion subsisting between the two institutions" (16, 18)Tylor, Edward B. - On a method of investigating the development of institutions: applied to la..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This paper, the first cross-cultural study published in 1889 (reprinted here) asserts that tabulation and classification are important methodological tools to study anthropological subjects. The author investigates the development of institutions of marriage and descent, tabulating data on residence, descent, kinship terminology, wife capture, and exogamy.

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