Found 4 Hypotheses across 1 Pages (0.001 seconds)
  1. "The cultural condition of any society in any geographical environment is conditioned by its past and present methods of regulating the relations between the sexes" (340)Unwin, J. D. - Sex and culture, 1934 - 2 Variables

    In this study of 80 societies, the author initially sets out to test the theory that if social customs and rules forbid satisfaction of sexual impulses, "civilization" will be built based on sacrifices of these desires.

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  2. "Any society in which pre-nuptial sexual freedom (outside the exogamic regulations and prohibited degrees) has been permitted for at least three generations will be in the zoistic cultural condition" (347)Unwin, J. D. - Sex and culture, 1934 - 2 Variables

    In this study of 80 societies, the author initially sets out to test the theory that if social customs and rules forbid satisfaction of sexual impulses, "civilization" will be built based on sacrifices of these desires.

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  3. "If in any human society such regulations are adopted as compel an irregular or occasional continence, the cultural condition of that society will become manistic" (354)Unwin, J. D. - Sex and culture, 1934 - 2 Variables

    In this study of 80 societies, the author initially sets out to test the theory that if social customs and rules forbid satisfaction of sexual impulses, "civilization" will be built based on sacrifices of these desires.

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  4. "If in any human society the girls of an uprising generation are compelled to be prenuptially chaste, that society will be in the deistic cultural condition" (358)Unwin, J. D. - Sex and culture, 1934 - 2 Variables

    In this study of 80 societies, the author initially sets out to test the theory that if social customs and rules forbid satisfaction of sexual impulses, "civilization" will be built based on sacrifices of these desires.

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