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  1. Numerous hypotheses are tested relating residential mobility, residential distance moved, and distance moved from residential sites.Kelly, Robert L. - Hunter-gatherer mobility strategies, 1983 - 3 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between hunter-gatherer mobility and resource distribution. Several environmental and mobility variables are defined. Data suggest that the extent to which a group of hunter-gatherers emphasizes residential or logistic mobility is closely related to the structure of resources in their environment.

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  2. There will be a positive relationship between unsegmented societies and low frequency of warfare among foragers (50).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  3. There will be a positive relationship between unsegmented societies and low kin group vengeance among foragers (54).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  4. There will be an association between kin group member liability to vengeance and the conceptualization of marriage as a group transaction (61).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  5. Exogamous marriage practices will be negatively related to frequency of warfare (62).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  6. Frequency of warfare will be negatively associated with mobility (65).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  7. Food storage will be positively associated with frequency of warfare (69).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  8. Population density will be positively associated with warfare frequency (71).Kelly, Robert L. - Warless and warlike hunter-gatherers: a comparison, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This book examines the characteristics of warlike and warless foraging societies, as well as the transitional stages that occur when a society becomes warlike. Several predicted correlates of warfare frequency are supported.

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  9. Women are not expected to have a significant role in hunting in the majority of hunter-gatherer societies.Venkataraman, Vivek V. - Female foragers sometimes hunt, yet gendered divisions of labor are real: a ..., 2024 - 1 Variables

    The authors critique Anderson et al. (2023) article, "The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts." The latter article is an ethnographic study showing that women hunt in 79% of foraging societies in their sample. The aim was to demystify the idea that only men have had a role in hunting and to question the stereotypes of labor. Venkataraman et al. (2024) critiqued Anderson et al.'s statements, as empirical evidence shows the existence of gendered divisions among hunter-gatherers. To test its veracity, they reproduced the original study, finding sample selection bias and coding errors. Lastly, they agree with Anderson et al.'s intention to dispel the false notion that forager women are unable to hunt, but they emphasize the existence of gendered divisions of labor in the ethnographic record.

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  10. Women do not significantly participate in big-game hunting.Venkataraman, Vivek V. - Female foragers sometimes hunt, yet gendered divisions of labor are real: a ..., 2024 - 1 Variables

    The authors critique Anderson et al. (2023) article, "The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts." The latter article is an ethnographic study showing that women hunt in 79% of foraging societies in their sample. The aim was to demystify the idea that only men have had a role in hunting and to question the stereotypes of labor. Venkataraman et al. (2024) critiqued Anderson et al.'s statements, as empirical evidence shows the existence of gendered divisions among hunter-gatherers. To test its veracity, they reproduced the original study, finding sample selection bias and coding errors. Lastly, they agree with Anderson et al.'s intention to dispel the false notion that forager women are unable to hunt, but they emphasize the existence of gendered divisions of labor in the ethnographic record.

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