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  1. Speaking style is examined.Lomax, Alan - A sylistic analysis of speaking, 1977 - 1 Variables

    This study seeks correlations between social variables and linguistic variables, including the following ten speech patterns: repetitiveness, long-windedness, drawl, charm and variability, amount of pausing, sharing of air time, tension, noisy qualities, breath control, and forcefulness. Many associations are discussed, particularly those involving societal complexity, sex roles, and singing and dancing.

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  2. ". . . as far as songs are concerned, there is a distinct [positive] relationship between [social complexity, and] explicitness, the number of consonantal distinctions used, and the location of these distinctions in the mid- and front-enunciatory regions" (146).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 4 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  3. Social complexity is positively associated with the following characteristics of song styles: wordiness, precision of articulation, explicitness, and narrow melodic intervals (128-137).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 6 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  4. "The incidence of orchestral unison and one beat orchestral rhythm decreases with complexity. . . . The two most complex forms of organization of orchestral rhythm, counterpoint and heterophony [are] strongly associated with complex modes of production" (138, 139).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 4 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  5. "There is a strong relationship between increase of layering [social stratification] and elaboration in song style" (153).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  6. "Mean number of instrument types per style sample appears as a correlate of social stratification" (155).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  7. Interlocking, a maximally individualized and leaderless style [in which everyone present sings independently in melody, rhythm, and harmony] occurs most frequently among cultures dependent on collecting (156).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  8. "Simple alternation [between singing chorus and leader] . . . almost always indicates the presence of at least one or two levels of extra-local political control" (158).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  9. "Overlap [between singing chorus and leader] is especially marked at the middle levels [of subsistence] whereas . . . explicit solo maintains a steady increase across the [subsistence] scale" (159).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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  10. "The five levels of performance style relate to [a] scale of increasingly complex governmental types in a remarkably stepwise way" (159-160).Lomax, Alan - Song as a measure of culture, 1968 - 6 Variables

    This chapter explores the relationship between cultural complexity and song. Several measures of cultural complexity are correlated with different aspects of singing. All hypotheses are supported.

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