Found 13 Hypotheses across 2 Pages (0.002 seconds)
  1. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent . . . in societies subsisting mainly on extensive agriculture and horticulture . . . in contrast to societies subsisting mainly on gathering, hunting, fishing, animal husbandry . . . intensive or modern agriculture" (243)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  2. "Long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies requiring bridewealth or exchange of a female relative to obtain a wife" (243)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  3. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies with customary polygyny" (243)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  4. "The long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies in which women gather under the supervision of men, in contrast to societies in which the gathering is done exclusively by women" (243)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  5. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies with unilineal kin groups" (244)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  6. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies with localized kin groups" (244)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  7. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies in which the succession of office of local headman is hereditary" (244)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  8. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies where the inheritance of real property is not equal between siblings" (244)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  9. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies in which the high god is defined as otiose and not concerned with human affairs" (244)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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  10. "A long postpartum taboo will be more frequent in societies in which male genital mutilations are customary" (244)Saucier, Jean-Francois - Correlates of the long post-partum taboo: a cross-cultural study, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates correlates of the post-partum sex taboo. Empirical analysis identifies several predictors, from extensive agriculture to localized kin groups. The authors suggest that the taboo imposes a burden on women and unmarried or monogamous young men, and it is best maintained in a community in which elders are in firm control and married women are considered outsiders due to village exogamy.

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