Found 4665 Hypotheses across 467 Pages (0.041 seconds)
  1. The presence of hierarchy is positively associated with the presence of police (235).Baker, Matthew - The origins of governments: from anarchy to hierarchy, 2010 - 2 Variables

    This study develops a model of the conditions under which a societies switch from a anarchy to a hierarchy. Empirical results suggest that the presence of police, technological sophistication, population density, and food storage are positively associated with the presence of a territorial hierarchy.

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  2. Societies that practice agriculture will be more technologically advanced, have greater population densities, operate in environments that are richer and more amenable to agriculture, and will be closer to the Fertile Crescent and/or another original hearth of agriculture (267).Baker, Matthew - A structural model of the transition to agriculture, 2008 - 5 Variables

    This article presents a representative theoretical model of the transition to agriculture. Empirical results from a cross-cultural sample provide support for the model. Results suggest that agriculture is associated with population density, technological sophistication, environment, and proximity to agricultural hearths, such as the Fertile Crescent.

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  3. Controlling on agriculture, climate, and region, recordkeeping will be positively associated with other types of impersonal exchange (902)Basu, Sudipta - Memory, transaction records, and the wealth of nations, 2009 - 5 Variables

    The history and diversity of recordkeeping worldwide is presented in connection with the effect of recordkeeping on social and economic development.

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  4. Controlling for technology and complexity, the predicted probability of a land market will have a negative impact on the likelihood that a fixed inheritance rule is observed (93).Baker, Matthew - Land inheritance rules: theory and cross-cultural analysis, 2005 - 4 Variables

    This study presents a theory of land inheritance that "focuses on the incentives that land inheritence rules create for potential heirs" and tests this theory on a cross-cultural sample.

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  5. Higher government levels will be associated with several other measures of cultural complexity (203).Barry III, Herbert - Differences between otherwise similar communities reveal cultural linkages w..., 2009 - 9 Variables

    This study examines pairwise differences between similar cultures in order to minimize cultural variation within the SCCS and reveal possible correlates of cultural complexity. Results suggest that one measure of complexity (government above the community level) is significantly associated with several other variables.

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  6. Controlling on agriculture, climate, and region, recordkeeping will be associated with increased impersonal exchange and specialization in division of labor (902-903)Basu, Sudipta - Memory, transaction records, and the wealth of nations, 2009 - 6 Variables

    The history and diversity of recordkeeping worldwide is presented in connection with the effect of recordkeeping on social and economic development.

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  7. Societies that are the most resource-rich will also be the most territorial, and societies that are less resource-rich will be less territorial (166).Baker, Matthew - An equilibrium conflict model of land tenure in hunter-gatherer societies, 2003 - 2 Variables

    This study examines land ownership and territoriality among hunter-gatherers in relation to resource density and predictability and defense technology. A model is presented and briefly tested on a cross-cultural sample of 14 hunter-gatherer societies. Results suggest that societies in more resource-rich areas will be more territorial than societies in less resource-rich areas.

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  8. Societies with higher levels of resources will have better defense technology (167).Baker, Matthew - An equilibrium conflict model of land tenure in hunter-gatherer societies, 2003 - 2 Variables

    This study examines land ownership and territoriality among hunter-gatherers in relation to resource density and predictability and defense technology. A model is presented and briefly tested on a cross-cultural sample of 14 hunter-gatherer societies. Results suggest that societies in more resource-rich areas will be more territorial than societies in less resource-rich areas.

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  9. Socialization for collectivist values will be associated with pathogen prevalence, population density, and levels of political integration (68).Cashdan, Elizabeth - Pathogen prevalence, group bias, and collectivism in the standard cross-cult..., 2013 - 4 Variables

    This article investigates how pathogen risk affects xenophobia, in-group bias, and collectivist and conformist values. Data analysis suggests that there is an association between pathogen risk and socialization for collectivist values, but the other variables were not associated with pathogen prevalence.

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  10. Social stratification, technological specialization, and urbanization will be postively associated with political integration (81).Peregrine, Peter N. - Modeling state origins using cross-cultural data, 2007 - 4 Variables

    This article stresses the use of multivariate analysis to study the emergence of states. The authors first discuss how social inequality, population density, and trade affect state development. Next, they turn to a time series regression to formally examine social stratification, urbanization, technological specialization as predictors of political integration. Finally, economic vulnerability and scalar stress are considered as possible underlying factors in the emergence of states.

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