Female Subsistence Contribution

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (6)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Heath, Dwight B.". . . mode of marriage is related to the subsistence contribution of women in the society. . . . We expect a definite consideration to be tendered to the bride's family more often where the female contribution to subsistence is appreciable . . ." (78-79)
Heath, Dwight B."Sexual differentiation in subsistence production may be reflected in the normal form of marriage. . . . We hypothesize that polyandry would tend to be the norm where woman's contribution is minimal; polygyny where it is considerable" (79)
Sanday, Peggy R. ". . . when the percentage of female contribution to subsistence is either very high or very low, female status . . . is also low. . . . The more balance there is in division of labor by sex the higher the [female] status score" (198)
Textor, Robert B. There will tend to be greater female contribution to subsistence in societies freely permitting premarital sexual relations (389, 127).
Textor, Robert B.In societies with greater female contribution to subsistence, polygyny will be prevalent. (243, 127).
Textor, Robert B. In societies with high rates of female subsistence contribution, male initiation rites will be prevalent (372, 127).

Associated OCMs

  1. division of labor by gender