Games Of Strategy

Associated Documents (8)

Associated Hypotheses (10)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Chick, GarryGames of strategy will be related to social complexity (195).
Roberts, John M."[There is a] relationship between games of strategy and social complexity . . ." (601)
Roberts, John M."Tribes possessing games of strategy were found more likely to have high ratings on child-training procedures which involved rewarding children for being obedient, punishing for being disobedient, anxiety about nonperformance of obedience, conflict over obedience, and high frequency of obedient behaviors" (171-172)
Roberts, John M."The strategic mode of competition as modeled in games of strategy is associated with societal complexity on the one hand and with obedience training on the other" (189)
Roberts, John M."Societies possessing games of strategy tend to have folk tales in which the outcome is determined or partly determined by strategy" (193)
Roberts, John M."If the strategic mode of competition bears a relationship to obedience training there should be an emphasis on obedience themes in the tales themselves" (194)
Roberts, John M."Games of strategy are associated with ordeals" (185)
Roberts, John M.". . . there is an association between the presence of games of strategy and the presence of riddles" (516)
Stewart, Robert A. C.Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 8, "North American tribal culture", loaded highly and positively on latitude 30 degrees or greater; located in North America; natural environment temperate grassland; principal ethnographers American; settlements non-fixed-movement nomadic; daily protein intake 80 grams or higher. Factor 8 loaded negatively on tropics 23 1/2 degrees from equator; games of strategy rather than chance; subsi...
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterCertain characteristics of societies will be significantly correlated in the same direction in both of Murdock's data sets.

Associated OCMs

  1. games