Male Genital Mutilation

Associated Documents (4)

Associated Hypotheses (12)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Wilson, Christopher G.Polygyny is positively associated with male genital mutilation (153-154)
Wilson, Christopher G.Separate residence of co-wives is positively associated with male genital mutilation (153-154)
Wilson, Christopher G.Male genital mutilation is associated with external warfare (154)
Eichler, Margrit"In those cultures in which residence is patrilocal, virilocal, or avunculocal male genital mutilation will be more frequent than in cultures in which residence is matrilocal or uxorilocal" (922).
Eichler, Margrit"In those cultures in which residence is patrilocal the incidence of male genital mutilation will be more frequent than in those cultures in which residence is matrilocal" (922).
Eichler, Margrit"In those cultures in which the rules of inheritance favor the male heir or line over the female heir or line the incidence of male genital mutilation will be higher than when the reverse is the case" (922).
Eichler, Margrit"In those cultures in which the kin group is exclusively patrilineal the incidence of male genital mutilation will be higher than in those cultures in which the kin group is other than exclusively patrilineal" (922).
Bourguignon, ErikaPrevalence of male genital mutilation will vary according to world region (65).
Textor, Robert B. In societies with a high incidence of theft, male genital mutilation will be prevalent (377, 149).
Textor, Robert B. In societies that practice wife-lending or wife-exchange, male genital mutilation will be prevalent (377, 279).
Textor, Robert B. In societies practicing infanticide, male genital mutilation will be prevalent (377, 296).
Textor, Robert B. In societies with a full-time occupational specialization, male genital mutilation will be prevalent (378, 116).

Associated OCMs

  1. body alterations