Pathogen Prevalence

Associated Documents (10)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Singh, DevendraSex differences in the anatomical locations of human body scarification and tattooing as a funct...
Gangestad, Steven W.Pathogen prevalence and human mate preferences
Cashdan, ElizabethPathogen prevalence, group bias, and collectivism in the standard cross-cultural sample
Murray, Damian R.Pathogens and politics: further evidence that parasite prevalence predicts authoritarianism
Murray, Damian R.The kiss of death: three tests of the relationship between disease threat and ritualized physica...
Schaller, MarkPathogens, personality, and culture: disease prevalence predicts worldwide variability in socios...
Murray, Damian R.On the origins of cultural differences in conformity: Four tests of the pathogen prevalence hypo...
Jackson, Joshua ConradA global analysis of cultural tightness in non-industrial societies
Ciftci, SabriOn Weber, pathogens and culture: a global empirical analysis of religion and individualism
León, Federico R.Likely Electromagnetic Foundations of Gender Inequality

Associated Hypotheses (20)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Singh, Devendra"As pathogen severity increases, so should permanenent marking of body areas that are attended to for evaluating attractiveness and mate quality" (403).
Gangestad, Steven W.Ratings of the importance of attractiveness as a criterion of mate choice will be related to pathogen prevalence across cultures (90).
Cashdan, ElizabethSocialization for collectivist values will be associated with pathogen prevalence, population density, and levels of political integration (68).
Murray, Damian R.Pathogen stress will independently predict authoritarian governance when controlling for malnutrition, famine, and warfare in the cross-cultural sample (5).
Murray, Damian R.When tested individually, each of the twelve variables included in the composite "authoritarian governance" variable in the cross-cultural sample will be predicted by pathogen prevalence (5).
Murray, Damian R.Individuals' inclination towards authoritarian personality will be predicted by pathogen prevalence in the home country (3-4).
Murray, Damian R.Historical pathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with prevalence of physical contact during greetings (4).
Murray, Damian R.Historical pathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with prevalence of romantic kissing (4).
Murray, Damian R.Historical pathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with prevalence of physical contact during mortuary rituals (5).
Schaller, MarkDisease prevalence will be negatively associated with an unrestricted sociosexual style (214).
Schaller, MarkPathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with the personality trait of extraversion (214).
Schaller, MarkPathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with the personality trait of 'openness' (214).
Murray, Damian R.Pathogen prevalence will be positively associated with conformity effect size (321).
Murray, Damian R.Pathogen prevalence will be positively associated with percentage of society which prioritizes obedience (321).
Murray, Damian R.Pathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with within-population dispositional variability (321-322).
Murray, Damian R.Pathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with percentage of left-handed people (322).
Jackson, Joshua ConradThe prevalence of pathogens will be positively associated with cultural tightness
Ciftci, SabriPathogen prevalence should increase the magnitude of the correlations between religiosity and individualistic orientations.
León, Federico R.Wet and hot climates are associated with greater gender inequality.
León, Federico R.Higher UV radiation is associated with more gender inequality.

Associated OCMs

  1. morbidity