Patrilocal Marital Residence

Associated Documents (6)

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Stewart, Robert A. C.Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 4, "paternal authority", loaded highly and positively on household authority with father; high early aggression satisfaction potential; and patrilocal marital residence. Factor 4 loaded highly and negatively on desert grasses; matrilocal marital residence; Athabaskan linguistic affiliation; high anal socialization anxiety; modesty training six years or higher; and matrilineal kin group (58)
Stewart, Robert A. C.Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 5, "matrilineal kin groups", loaded highly and positively on Crow-type cousin terminology; kin group matrilineal; community segmented on a clan basis; matrilocal marital residence; cousin marriage unilateral; codified laws present. Factor 5 loaded highly and negatively on kin groups patrilineal or double descent; marital residence patrilocal (59)
Winkelman, Michael JamesThe prevalence of "legitimate" or institutionalized human sacrifice in a given society is associated with certain geopolitical conditions and demographic-ecological conditions (48).
Grueter, Cyril C.Internal warfare will decrease with increasing external warfare, intercommunity trade, and patrilocal residence (6).
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterZelman's (1974) index of private ownership will have the same sign as the correlation with Murdock's (1967) index of private ownership and both will have a null probability of p<.05.
Textor, Robert B. Societies where the status of women is inferior or subjected will tend to have patrilocal marital residence (205, 277).
Textor, Robert B. Societies in which males do most of the leather working will tend to have patrilocal marital residence (210, 130).
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterCertain characteristics of societies will be significantly correlated in the same direction in both of Murdock's data sets.

Associated OCMs

  1. residence