Presence Of Large Domesticated Animals

Associated Documents (2)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Ember, MelvinThe conditions favoring matrilocal versus patrilocal residence
Alesina, AlbertoOn the origins of gender roles: Women and the plough

Associated Hypotheses (18)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ember, Melvin". . . conditions that enhance the status of males are polygyny, moveable property such as herds or slaves or money, multilocal political integration, and warfare . . . [and] each . . . should predict male localization" (576)
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower overall female participation in agriculture (481).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in land clearance (481).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in soil preparation (481).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in crop planting (481).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in crop harvesting (481).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in caring for small animals (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in caring for large animals (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in milking domesticated animals (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in cooking (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in fuel gathering (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in water fetching (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in burden carying (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in handicrafts (483).
Alesina, AlbertoTraditional plough agriculture will be associated with lower female participation in trading (483).
Alesina, AlbertoCountries with a history of plough use will have lower female labor force participation in the year 2000 (490).
Alesina, AlbertoCountries with a history of plough use will have lower female labor firm ownership in the year(s) 2003-2010 (490).
Alesina, AlbertoCountries with a history of plough use will have lower female participation in politics the year 2000 (490).

Associated OCMs

  1. domesticated animals