Resource Stress

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (14)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Hayden, Brian"Where resource stress is most severe, the most important deities tend to be conceptualized in terms of celestial entities" (87).
Ember, Carol R.Beyond-household sharing will be more habitual in societies with greater resource stress.
Ember, Carol R.The scope of customary sharing would be broader geographically and socially with more resource stress.
Skoggard, IanHigh levels of resource stress will be positively associated with belief in high gods involved with weather.
Skoggard, IanResource stress will be directly positively associated with beyond-household sharing, controlling on high god beliefs involving weather.
Skoggard, IanHigh levels of resource stress will be positively associated with belief in superior gods involved with weather.
Skoggard, IanHigh levels of resource stress will be positively associated with belief in minor spirits involved with weather.
Ember, Carol R.There will be a correlation between dry climates and resource stress.
Ember, Carol R.There will be a correlation between climates with extreme cold or hot temperatures and resource stress.
Ember, Carol R.Climate independently predicts high god weather association when controlling on resource stress.
Ember, Carol R. Increased frequency of natural hazards will be associated with increased subsistence diversity.
Ember, Carol R. Increased frequency of famine will be associated with increased subsistence diversity.
Ember, Carol R. Chronic scarcity will be positively associated with subsistence diversity.
Ember, Carol R. Environmental stability will be negatively correlated with subsistence diversity.

Associated OCMs

  1. nutrition
  2. food quest
  3. annual cycle
  4. gratification and control of hunger
  5. diet
  6. disasters