Women's Contribution To Subsistence

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (10)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Brown, Judith K."In those societies in which the contribution of women to subsistence is minimal, and in which post-marital residence is patrilocal, and in which descent is patrilineal, mothers-in-law will confine young wives and monitor their behavior and mothers-in-law will be punitive" (233).
Brown, Judith K."In those societies in which women make a major contribution to subsistence, food is produced by women working in groups and typically (but not always) an older woman is in charge" (234).
Brown, Judith K."In societies where women make a minimal contribution to subsistence, food related activities become elaborated and are carried out within the household with an older woman in charge" (234).
Brown, Judith K."In societies where women make a minimal contribution to subsistence, women work autonomously on food related activities or these activities are organized on a community-wide level" (234).
Broude, Gwen J.In societies where females are more dominant, there will be less restrictive extramarital sex norms (190).
Lomax, Alan"Multi-parted and counterpoint rhythmic organization [of chorus] assume importance only in societies where women are major contributors to subsistence" (165)
Lomax, Alan"Tonal cohesiveness and tonal relaxation . . . [and] polyphony in female choruses rise in direct proportion to the degree of feminine involvement in subsistence labor" (167-168)
Brown, Judith K."When women make a notable contribution to the subsistence activities of their society, female initiation rites are celebrated to assure the competence of the young girl" (849)
Evascu, Thomas L."[There is an] absence of association between family type and modes of marriage . . . and between women's contribution to subsistence and modes of marriage" (157)
Evascu, Thomas L."[There is an] absence of association between . . . women's contribution to subsistence and societal differentiation" (157)

Associated OCMs

  1. food quest
  2. annual cycle
  3. diet
  4. division of labor by gender