Foraging Economy Type

Associated Documents (1)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Frederic L. PryorEconomic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies

Associated Hypotheses (11)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Frederic L. PryorForaging economy type (Classic, transitional, human-wealth oriented, intangible-wealth oriented, politically oriented, and physical-wealth oriented) will be associated with various environmental attributes. (49)
Frederic L. PryorClassic foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes (47)
Frederic L. PryorTransitional foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes (49).
Frederic L. PryorHWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorIWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorPO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorPWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorForaging economy type (Classic, transitional, human-wealth oriented, intangible-wealth oriented, politically oriented, and physical-wealth oriented) will be associated with certain social structural characteristics (50).
Frederic L. PryorSocial differentiation will be positively associated with other types of inequality among different types of foraging economies. (52)
Frederic L. PryorForaging economy type (classic, transitional, human-wealth oriented, intangible-wealth oriented, politically oriented, or physical-wealth oriented) will be associated with the presence of certain political institutions. (52)
Frederic L. PryorSocieties with 'intermediate' dependence on foraging will tend to possess economic systems similar to the most economically-developed foraging types (Politically- and Physical Wealth-Oriented). (55)

Associated OCMs

  1. food quest