Reincarnation beliefs

Associated Documents (2)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Matlock, James GrahamA cross-cultural study of reincarnation ideologies and their social correlates
Textor, Robert B. A Cross-Cultural Summary: Status of Women

Associated Hypotheses (26)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Matlock, James Graham1) Reincarnation beliefs will be positively associated with belief in interaction between the living and dead.
Matlock, James Graham3) Reincarnation beliefs will be positively associated with the belief in soul multiplicity.
Matlock, James Graham4) Reincarnation beliefs and the belief in soul singularity will be positively associated with spirit fragmentation at death.
Matlock, James Graham5) Reincarnation beliefs will be positively associated with transmigration beliefs.
Matlock, James Graham6) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with transformation beliefs.
Matlock, James Graham7) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with totemic beliefs
Matlock, James Graham8) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with guardian spirits beliefs
Matlock, James Graham9) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with non-human spirit beliefs.
Matlock, James Graham10) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with groups smaller than village level
Matlock, James Graham11) Reincarnation beliefs are negatively associated with reliance on agriculture.
Matlock, James Graham12) Reincarnation beliefs are negatively associated with societies under the influence of Christianity or Islam for more than 50 years.
Matlock, James Graham13) Reincarnation beliefs are negatively associated with understanding the link between sexual intercourse and conception.
Matlock, James Graham14) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with the belief that a spiritual dimension produces the human body
Matlock, James Graham16) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with couvade.
Matlock, James Graham19) Reincarnation is positively associated with house and yard burial practices.
Matlock, James Graham20) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with lineage and clan cemeteries.
Matlock, James Graham23) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with flexed burial posture.
Matlock, James Graham24) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with naming children after the deceased family members.
Matlock, James Graham25) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with signs or tests to determine a child's name.
Matlock, James Graham28) Reincarnation beliefs will be positively associated with complementarity between alternate generations.
Matlock, James Graham29) Reincarnation beliefs will be positively associated with clan social organization.
Matlock, James Graham30) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with cross-cousin marriages.
Matlock, James Graham31) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with practice of levirate or sororate
Matlock, James Graham32) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with descent over filiation inheritance of property.
Matlock, James Graham33) Reincarnation beliefs is positively associated with hereditary succession of the community headsman.
Textor, Robert B. In societies that believe in reincarnation, wife-lending or wife-exchange will be prevalent (279, 433).

Associated OCMs

  1. eschatology