Cross-cousin Marriage

Associated Documents (7)

Associated Hypotheses (9)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Coult, Allan D.There is an association between avunculocality and matrilateral cross-cousin marriage (135)
De Leeuwe, J."Homans and Schneider (1955) say that marriage partners are sought preferably within a group of which the head exerts no jural authority over ego. . . . Replication of the research [shows] that patrilineal societies [prefer] MBD but matrilineal societies don't prefer FZD" (82, 88)
De Leeuwe, J."Cross-cousin marriage occurs relatively more often in non-industrialised societies" (103)
De Leeuwe, J."Patriliny versus matriliny is linked relatively more strongly with other than cross-cousin marriage systems . . . and with other than extractive subsistence type (industrialisation left out) provided [non-extractive] subsistence type is accompanied by marital neolocality" (112)
Eyde, David B."There is a high association within the universe of nonbilateral societies which allow first cross-cousin marriage and which are either matrilocal or avunculocal, between avunculocality and Crow terminology" (760-761)
Kang, Gay ElizabethCross-cousin marriage will be associated with cross-allegiance between intra-societal units (269).
Kobben, A. J. F.". . . in Crow-Omaha systems a man is prohibited from marrying into the line of either of his cross-cousins" (216)
Matlock, James Graham30) Reincarnation beliefs are positively associated with cross-cousin marriages.
Passmore, SamThere is a co-evolutionary relationship between bifurcate-merging terminology and cross-cousin marriage.

Associated OCMs

  1. regulation of marriage
  2. cousins