A cross-cultural study

Society and Drugs Vol/Iss. 1 Jossey-Bass San Francisco Published In Pages: 135-186
By Blum, Richard H.


"When pressure toward developing obedient behavior in the child is high, then [alcohol use occurs; hallucinogens are used by adults rather than by all ages; stimulant use is moderate; male use of stimulants predominates; and stimulants are used by adults rather than by all ages]" (160-161)


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail
Chi squareSupportedp<.10UNKNOWNTwo-tailed

Related Hypotheses

Main AuthorHypothesis
Blum, Richard H."When games are limited to games of skill only, then [no use of alcohol occurs; stimulants are plentiful; stimulants are used by both sexes; and stimulants are used by all ages rather than by adults only]" (166-167)
Blum, Richard H."When pressure toward developing self-reliant behavior in the child is high, than: [alcohol use by males is predominant; stimulant use is by both sexes; and stimulant use is by all ages]" (161)
Blum, Richard H."When dreams are used to control supernatural powers, then: [high or excessive use of alcohol occurs; tobacco is limited or scarce; and there is high or excessive use of stimulants rather than moderate or no use]" (167)
Blum, Richard H."When the community is commonly exogamous rather than nonexogamous, then: [moderate or no use of alcohol occurs; stimulants are limited or scarce; and male use of stimulants occurs rather than use by both sexes]" (162-163)
Blum, Richard H."When the community is kin-homogeneous, then: [moderate or no use of tobacco occurs; stimulants are limited or scarce; stimulants are used by adults only; opium is disapproved of and rarely used; and tobacco is limited or scarce]" (162)