The relationship between use of alcohol and thematic content of folktales in primitive societies

The General Inquirer Vol/Iss. n.a. M.I.T. Press Cambridge Published In Pages: 569-588
By Kalin, Rudolph, Davis, William N., McClelland, David C.


The thematic tag "fear" will be correlated with drinking, that is,"the more direct references to fear appear in the folktales of a society, the less likely its members are to engage in heavy drinking" (581)


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail
CorrelationSupportedp<.01r= -.42Two-tailed


Variable NameVariable Type OCM Term(s)
Direct References To Fear In FolktalesIndependentLiterary Texts, Texts
DrinkingDependentAlcoholic Beverages