Found 4184 Hypotheses across 419 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. "[There is an] absence of association between . . . women's contribution to subsistence and societal differentiation" (157)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  2. Mode of marriage is more significantly and more strongly correlated with mode of subsistence than it is with post-marital residence (166)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  3. "[Mode of marriage is related to societal differentiation]: brideservice . . . is associated with a low level of societal differentiation . . . bridewealth is associated with a medium level . . . and dowry and absence of economic considerations are associated with high levels of societal differentiation" (177-188)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  4. "[Mode of marriage is related to subsistence]: brideservice is related to hunting and gathering . . . bridewealth relates to horticulture, extensive agriculture and pastoralism . . . and dowry is related to intensive agriculture and industrialism" (177-188)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  5. "Results support the expected relationship between . . . societal differentiation and family type" (155)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  6. "Results . . . support expected relationships between subsistence type and societal differentiation and [between]subsistence type and settlement pattern" (150, 156, 159)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  7. Coded data quality control factors will be associated with some aspects of mode of marriage.Schaefer, James Michael - Data quality and modes of marriage: some holocultural evidence of systematic..., 1976 - 14 Variables

    Authors explore the problem of data quality control, systematic error and spurious correlations possibly caused by systematic errors in global cross-cultural studies. They offer a solution (the use of control variables investigating potential sources of systematic error) and apply the technique to a cross-cultural study of the substantive correlates of societal organization and modes of marriage.

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  8. An ordered category of mode of marriage (from gift exchange to dowry) will be associated with general scales of evolution (subisstence type, societal complexity, and settlement pattern).Schaefer, James Michael - Data quality and modes of marriage: some holocultural evidence of systematic..., 1976 - 4 Variables

    Authors explore the problem of data quality control, systematic error and spurious correlations possibly caused by systematic errors in global cross-cultural studies. They offer a solution (the use of control variables investigating potential sources of systematic error) and apply the technique to a cross-cultural study of the substantive correlates of societal organization and modes of marriage.

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  9. "The table shows that nuclear household societies with a high degree of complexity do not involve their women in subsistence pursuits, and at the same time employ Type II instruction [deliberate instruction by non-kin without change of residence]; it shows the reverse for nuclear societies with low complexity" (332)Herzog, John D. - Deliberate instruction and household structure: a cross-cultural study, 1962 - 4 Variables

    This study examines relationships among the instruction of children, household type and size, and political integration. Particular attention is paid to type of instruction--whether the instructor is kin or non-kin, and whether the instruction requires a change in the child's residence. Different types of instruction are theorized to solve problems for children in different household types (e.g. children in mother-child households experience gender identity conflict, and so leave their houses for instruction from non-kin). The causality between instruction and societal complexity is also discussed.

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  10. ". . . mode of marriage is related to the subsistence contribution of women in the society. . . . We expect a definite consideration to be tendered to the bride's family more often where the female contribution to subsistence is appreciable . . ." (78-79)Heath, Dwight B. - Sexual division of labor and cross cultural research, 1958 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between sexual division of labor and social organization variables. Results suggest relationships between both mode of marriage and polygamy and female contribution to subsistence.

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