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  1. "[Relation of subsistence level to warlikeness:] it seems clear that collectors, lower hunters and lower agriculturalists are the least warlike. The higher hunters and higher agriculturalists are more warlike, while highest agriculturalists and pastorals are most warlike" (66)Wright, Quincy - Primitive warfare and Appendix IX, 1942 - 2 Variables

    This chapter is concerned with correlates of warlikeness among non-industrial societies. Findings indicate that warlikeness is associated with climate, mobility, subsistence, political integration, division of labor, culture contact.

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  2. Productivity (a measure of subsistence type), is positively associated with the presence of High Gods (p. 2t5).Peoples, Hervey C. - Subsistence and the evolution of religion, 2012 - 2 Variables

    This study exmaines the presence of High Gods in societies as a function of subsistence type, population size, and stratification. High Gods are thought to be a mechanism to encourage collective action in the face of environmental challenges. Animal husbandry was found to be a strong predictor of High Gods, especially gods that are active in human affairs or morally supportive.

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  3. "The following variables of societal organization significantly distinguish monogamous from polygynous societies: (1) type of subsistence economy; (2) system of social stratification; (3) level of political integration; (4) pattern of settlement . . ." (10)Osmond, Marie W. - Toward monogamy: a cross-cultural study of correlates of type of marriage, 1965 - 5 Variables

    This study presents a sociological theory of marriage type based on socioeconomic organization. Results suggest that intensive agriculture, more stratification, greater political integration, a fixed settlement pattern, a larger population, and greater labor specialization tended to be correlates of monogamy.

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  4. Changes in subsistence economy will be clustered temporally (453).Bradley, Candice - A cross-cultural historical analysis of subsistence change, 1990 - 1 Variables

    This study employs optimal scaling analysis to examine change in subsistence economy in a cross-cultural sample of 73 societies. Findings are discussed in addition to methodological considerations for sampling.

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  5. Changes in subsistence economy will be clustered regionally (453).Bradley, Candice - A cross-cultural historical analysis of subsistence change, 1990 - 1 Variables

    This study employs optimal scaling analysis to examine change in subsistence economy in a cross-cultural sample of 73 societies. Findings are discussed in addition to methodological considerations for sampling.

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  6. Most societies will have experienced a recent change in subsistence economy due to world system contact (453).Bradley, Candice - A cross-cultural historical analysis of subsistence change, 1990 - 1 Variables

    This study employs optimal scaling analysis to examine change in subsistence economy in a cross-cultural sample of 73 societies. Findings are discussed in addition to methodological considerations for sampling.

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  7. Stratification is positively associated with the presence of High Gods (p. 257).Peoples, Hervey C. - Subsistence and the evolution of religion, 2012 - 2 Variables

    This study exmaines the presence of High Gods in societies as a function of subsistence type, population size, and stratification. High Gods are thought to be a mechanism to encourage collective action in the face of environmental challenges. Animal husbandry was found to be a strong predictor of High Gods, especially gods that are active in human affairs or morally supportive.

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  8. Population size is positively associated with the presence of High Gods (p. 257).Peoples, Hervey C. - Subsistence and the evolution of religion, 2012 - 2 Variables

    This study exmaines the presence of High Gods in societies as a function of subsistence type, population size, and stratification. High Gods are thought to be a mechanism to encourage collective action in the face of environmental challenges. Animal husbandry was found to be a strong predictor of High Gods, especially gods that are active in human affairs or morally supportive.

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  9. "Societies with sex differences [in drinking] tend to have a nomadic or rural settlement pattern, economy based on hunting, less accumulation of food resources, stronger child training toward achievement and more punishment of child for failure to achieve" (59)Child, Irvin L. - A cross-cultural study of drinking: iii. sex differences, 1965 - 6 Variables

    This study examines sex differences in alcohol consumption, suggesting that they are related to a nomadic or rural settlement, low accumulation of food resources, and strong child training pressure toward achievement. The authors suggest that societal norms often limit drunkenness in women because women's responsibilities (such as childcare) would deter incapacity due to intoxication.

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  10. ". . . there should be a progression upward in mean community size from hunting-collecting, through fishing and herding, to agricultural communities . . ."Goodenough, Ward H. - Basic economy and community, 1969 - 2 Variables

    This paper examines relationships among mode of production, sedentarism, and population size. Generally, agricultural societies were found to be sedentary and have larger populations, while migratory societies (such as herders or hunters) had smaller population size.

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