Found 3857 Hypotheses across 386 Pages (0.033 seconds)
  1. "[Residence and descent are highly correlated.] Nearly all patrilineal cultures are patrilocal or matri-patrilocal. . . . If matrilineal, societies may be patrilocal or matrilocal, with the latter predominating. . . . If the rule is double descent, the cultures are almost exclusively patrilocal" (24)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and The social system and the family, 1965 - 2 Variables

    The author uses a world-wide sample of societies to address variation in famiy organization and the economic and social factors to which it relates.

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  2. "…there is a relationship between residence patterns and division of labor by sex. Patrilocal patterns tend to be associated with economic dominance by males, matrilocal . . . by females" (42)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and The social system and the family, 1965 - 2 Variables

    The author uses a world-wide sample of societies to address variation in famiy organization and the economic and social factors to which it relates.

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  3. "The greater the degree of social stratification, the greater is the tendency for the extended rather than the independent family system ot become established" (220)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and types of economy, 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article posits that nuclear, independent families are more common under certain economic conditions that affect food supply, demand for family labor, physical mobility, and property system. Empirical analysis suggests that nuclear, independent families are associated with hunting and gathering subsistence type and low social stratification.

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  4. "Matrilineal descent is almost invariably found in association with either avunculocal or matrilocal residence, patrilocal residence accompanies patrilineal, ambilineal and double descent, whereas bilateral descent coexists freely with all except avunculocal rule" (273-274)Murdock, George Peter - Settlement patterns and community organization: cross-cultural codes 3, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates residence, descent rules, and family structure. Empirical analysis suggests that they are associated with settlement patterns, particularly economic and demographic variables.

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  5. "There is a rough relationship between type of family system and the subsistence pattern ordered according to productivity and stability: independent family most common in hunting and gathering . . . extended family prevaling where fishing, agriculture dominant . . ." (216-217)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and types of economy, 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article posits that nuclear, independent families are more common under certain economic conditions that affect food supply, demand for family labor, physical mobility, and property system. Empirical analysis suggests that nuclear, independent families are associated with hunting and gathering subsistence type and low social stratification.

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  6. "Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence and/or matrilineal descent should tend to be correlated with lower levels of cultural complexity than virilocal or patrilocal residence and/or patrilineal descent" (62)Divale, William Tulio - The causes of matrilocal residence: a cross-ethnohistorical survey, 1974 - 2 Variables

    Author proposes and presents evidence in support of the theory that most societies practice virilocal or patrilocal residence (this is the "normal" pattern" and that matrilocal residence is adopted when societies migrate to an already populated area.

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  7. "The extended family is found least often among purely nomadic or migratory bands and is most common among sedentary peoples with a fixed residence" (219)Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and types of economy, 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article posits that nuclear, independent families are more common under certain economic conditions that affect food supply, demand for family labor, physical mobility, and property system. Empirical analysis suggests that nuclear, independent families are associated with hunting and gathering subsistence type and low social stratification.

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  8. [In matrilineal systems there is a] ". . . strong association of monogamy with matrilocality, as compared with other forms of marriage and other forms of residence" (719)Aberle, David F. - Matrilineal descent in cross-cultural perspective, 1961 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores and tests some propositions about matrilineal societies. Supplementary to that discussion, the author also explores the problems of method associated with the use of coded data on large samples of cultures.

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  9. "Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with a higher degree of local exogamy for males than is found with avunculocal or patrilocal residence" (300)Divale, William Tulio - The causes of matrilocal residence: a cross-ethnohistorical survey, 1974 - 2 Variables

    Author proposes and presents evidence in support of the theory that most societies practice virilocal or patrilocal residence (this is the "normal" pattern" and that matrilocal residence is adopted when societies migrate to an already populated area.

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  10. There will be a significant relationship between type of descent and mode of subsistence (40).Nimkoff, M. F. - Types of family and The social system and the family, 1965 - 2 Variables

    The author uses a world-wide sample of societies to address variation in famiy organization and the economic and social factors to which it relates.

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