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  1. ". . . explanations of illness [oral, anal, sexual, dependence, aggression] tend to be related to low initial satisfaction of the corresponding system of behavior" (167, 168)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  2. Societies which have the belief that defecation or urination has therapeutic value should be more likely to have progressive anal satisfaction (203-204)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  3. "Societies . . . having child training practices . . . likely to produce . . . satisfaction for sexual behavior [are also likely to have sexual] therapeutic practices" (196)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  4. "Dependence avoidance therapies (isolating patient, removing him from his home for the duration of his illness) . . . [are found in societies ranked high in] socialization anxieties" (209, 211)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  5. "[There is a] relation between anal socialization anxiety and anal explanations of illness; . . . between sexual socialization anxiety and sexual explanations of illness" (158, 159)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  6. "[There is a] relation between dependence socialization anxiety and dependence explanations of illness" (160, 164)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  7. "Societies high in initial nurturance [dependence drive] should tend more strongly to blame illness on the patient himself than societies which are low in initial nurturance of the child" (238)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  8. "[There is a] relation between aggression socialization anxiety and aggressive explanations of illness" (161)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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  9. Findings: A factor analysis of permissiveness yielded three unrelated factors. Factor 1, "aggression-hypochondria" loaded heavily and positively on sexual and aggression anxiety, anal and aggression illness explanations, and fear of human beings. This factor loaded heavily and negatively on initial indulgence for aggression (152)Prothro, E. Terry - Patterns of permissiveness among preliterate peoples, 1960 - 7 Variables

    This study uses empirical analysis to parse out different dimensions of permissiveness in child-rearing. Oral-sexuality, independence-anality, and aggression are the dimensions identified.

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  10. "Oral therapies such as the ingestion of medicines are found to occur most frequently in societies which have a high rating on progressive oral satisfaction" (203)Whiting, John W.M. - Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study, 1953 - 2 Variables

    The authors put forward a theoretical model called "personality integration of culture." At the heart of the model is the idea that psychological processes may help explain why certain aspects of culture are related to other aspects. To test this model they focus on theories and therapies regarding illness and they use psychoanalytic ideas on positive and negative fixation to suggest how differences in child-rearing customs may account for different ideas about the causes of illness. The strongest results relate to socialization anxiety in a particular area of socialization (e.g., oral, dependency, and aggression) amd respective causes of illness. Results regarding negative fixation are generally supported, whereas positive fixation is not.

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