Found 2398 Hypotheses across 240 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. Stratification and slavery occur more often in societies where cereal grains, animal husbandry and agriculture are important than in societies where they are not (6)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 3 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  2. Societies with higher subsistence level and slavery absent will achieve a higher score for moral acceptance of sexual freedom proportionally more often (19)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 3 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  3. "[Societies with productive forces above the lowest level and internal oppression absent] accept female extramarital heterosexual intercourse and reject male extramarital heterosexual intercourse more often and/or accept male . . . intercourse and . . . reject female intercourse less often" (17)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 3 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  4. "[Societies where productive forces are above the lowest level but with internal oppression absent] approve of extramarital heterosexual freedom for both sexes more often . . ." (17)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 3 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  5. "[Societies where productive forces are above the lowest level but with internal oppression absent] will allow sexual activity of children more often . . ." (14)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 3 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  6. Africa, the CircumMediterrean, and East Eurasia have greater stratification and slavery than the Insular Pacific, North America and South America (6-7)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 2 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  7. "[Societies where sexual activities of children are explicitly allowed will permit children] to be present during sexual activities of older people and/or [allow children] to participate in older people's talk on sex" (12)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 2 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  8. "Societies with single unilineal descent system will score proportionally more often non-extractive also non-industrialised (versus extractive or industrialised summated) than bilaterality will"De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  9. Subsistence mode will be correlated with the presence of inequality.Wilson, Kurt M. - The Marginal Utility of Inequality: A Global Examination Across Ethnographic..., 2020 - 2 Variables

    In this study, the authors draw from intensity theory and combine previous research from the fields of behavioral ecology, economics, and social evolution to analyze drivers in the emergence and persistence of inequality across the world. They propose that environmental heterogeneity and circumscription (the difficulty of moving and establishing oneself in a new environment relative to remaining in the current one) play a significant role in the stratification of societies. Their results indicate that situations arise from various environmental conditions and levels of circumscription that may result in an individual giving up autonomy for material gain, thus favoring inequality.

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  10. "Cross-cousin marriage (versus all other possible marriage systems) occurs proportionally more often with (each of the) single unilineal systems than with bilaterality" (90)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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