Found 2165 Hypotheses across 217 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. Controlling on agriculture, climate, and region, recordkeeping will be associated with increased impersonal exchange and specialization in division of labor (902-903)Basu, Sudipta - Memory, transaction records, and the wealth of nations, 2009 - 6 Variables

    The history and diversity of recordkeeping worldwide is presented in connection with the effect of recordkeeping on social and economic development.

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  2. Community size is positively associated with recordkeeping (902)Basu, Sudipta - Memory, transaction records, and the wealth of nations, 2009 - 2 Variables

    The history and diversity of recordkeeping worldwide is presented in connection with the effect of recordkeeping on social and economic development.

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  3. Presence of hierarchy is positively associated with technology, population density and storage (236).Baker, Matthew - The origins of governments: from anarchy to hierarchy, 2010 - 4 Variables

    This study develops a model of the conditions under which a societies switch from a anarchy to a hierarchy. Empirical results suggest that the presence of police, technological sophistication, population density, and food storage are positively associated with the presence of a territorial hierarchy.

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  4. Certain characteristics of societies will be significantly correlated in the same direction with both Simmons' (137) and Murdock's (1967) measures of private property ownership.Rudmin, Floyd Webster - Cross-Cultural Correlates of the Ownership of Private Property, 1992 - 25 Variables

    The present study aims to assess the reliability of Simmons' (1937) database of 109 variables coded for 71 societies. Simmons' data was evaluated against matching societies and variables from Murdock's (1967) Ethnographic Atlas. The ultimate purpose of Rudmin's analysis is to identify the features of societies that are correlated with the private ownership of property. To do so, Simmons' reliable variables are tested against four measures of property ownership, two from Simmons and two from Murdock. Rudmin discusses results and speculates why certain clusters of societal variables correlate with private property ownership.

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  5. "Societies with games of physical skill and games of chance tend to have a variable rather than constant supply of food resources, intercommunity food for trade, storage of food, and land transport by animals or vehicles rather than humans" (302)Barry III, Herbert - Infant socialization and games of chance, 1972 - 5 Variables

    This paper explores the relationship between games of chance and various aspects of infant socialization, as well as subsistence economy and social organization. Several significant associations were found between these variables.

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  6. There will be a relationship between slavery and social complexityHrnčíř, Václav - Archaeology of slavery from cross-cultural perspective, 2017 - 13 Variables

    The authors examine correlations between slavery and variables that can potentially be detected archaeologically. The authors do not test specific hypotheses, but aim to explore the variables in a broader sense. As such, the authors use a grounded theory approach to data analysis in order to examine trends that emerge from the data itself.

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  7. More societally complex societies will have more coping mechanisms.Pierro, Rachele - Local knowledge and practice in disaster relief: A worldwide cross-cultural ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The article discusses the importance of incorporating local knowledge and strategies into sustainable climate change adaptation. The authors examined 90 societies from the ethnographic record to document the coping mechanisms and contingency plans used by societies around the world in response to natural hazards. They classified coping mechanisms into four types: technological, subsistence, economic, and religious. The study finds that most societies employ multiple types of coping mechanisms and that technological coping mechanisms are most common in response to fast-onset hazards, while religious coping mechanisms are most common in response to slow-onset hazards. The study also finds that religious and nonreligious coping strategies are not mutually exclusive and are often used in conjunction with each other.

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  8. More societally complex societies have more religious coping mechanisms.Pierro, Rachele - Local knowledge and practice in disaster relief: A worldwide cross-cultural ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The article discusses the importance of incorporating local knowledge and strategies into sustainable climate change adaptation. The authors examined 90 societies from the ethnographic record to document the coping mechanisms and contingency plans used by societies around the world in response to natural hazards. They classified coping mechanisms into four types: technological, subsistence, economic, and religious. The study finds that most societies employ multiple types of coping mechanisms and that technological coping mechanisms are most common in response to fast-onset hazards, while religious coping mechanisms are most common in response to slow-onset hazards. The study also finds that religious and nonreligious coping strategies are not mutually exclusive and are often used in conjunction with each other.

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  9. More societally complex societies have more technological coping mechanisms.Pierro, Rachele - Local knowledge and practice in disaster relief: A worldwide cross-cultural ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The article discusses the importance of incorporating local knowledge and strategies into sustainable climate change adaptation. The authors examined 90 societies from the ethnographic record to document the coping mechanisms and contingency plans used by societies around the world in response to natural hazards. They classified coping mechanisms into four types: technological, subsistence, economic, and religious. The study finds that most societies employ multiple types of coping mechanisms and that technological coping mechanisms are most common in response to fast-onset hazards, while religious coping mechanisms are most common in response to slow-onset hazards. The study also finds that religious and nonreligious coping strategies are not mutually exclusive and are often used in conjunction with each other.

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  10. Controlling for technology and complexity, the predicted probability of a land market will have a negative impact on the likelihood that a fixed inheritance rule is observed (93).Baker, Matthew - Land inheritance rules: theory and cross-cultural analysis, 2005 - 4 Variables

    This study presents a theory of land inheritance that "focuses on the incentives that land inheritence rules create for potential heirs" and tests this theory on a cross-cultural sample.

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