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  1. Societies with a polity that allows for both common and special interests will be positively associated with the guardian spirit complex (371).Swanson, Guy E. - The search for a guardian spirit: a process of empowerment in simpler societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    The complex set of beliefs and practices in which the cult of the guardian spirit consisted is examined.

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  2. Virilocal residence will be associated with the guardian spirit complex (369).Swanson, Guy E. - The search for a guardian spirit: a process of empowerment in simpler societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    The complex set of beliefs and practices in which the cult of the guardian spirit consisted is examined.

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  3. Within North America, societies with a higher dependence on hunting and fishing are more likely to have a guardian spirit complex (368).Swanson, Guy E. - The search for a guardian spirit: a process of empowerment in simpler societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    The complex set of beliefs and practices in which the cult of the guardian spirit consisted is examined.

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  4. Dependencies on hunting and fishing is curvilinearly related to the guardian spirit complex (369).Swanson, Guy E. - The search for a guardian spirit: a process of empowerment in simpler societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    The complex set of beliefs and practices in which the cult of the guardian spirit consisted is examined.

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  5. A society's reliance on hunting and fishing will be positively associated with the presence of active trance (269).Swanson, Guy E. - Trance and possession: studies of charismatic influence, 1978 - 2 Variables

    This study examines correlates of trance and possession in pre-industrial societies. Results suggest that the presence of trance/possession is associated with subsistence, number of jurisdictional levels, and community decision-making.

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  6. Non-maternal contact in hunting, gathering, and fishing societies will most likely be with a play group.Konner, Melvin J. - Relations among infants and juveniles in comparative perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates peer relations in infancy, both in primates and in preindustrial human societies. Data from these populations shows a strong tendency toward a multi-age composition of play groups rather than solely peer-aged play groups for infants. Patterns in child care across societies of different subsistence types are empirically examined.

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  7. Controlling for sustenance from hunting and fishing, the number of jurisdictional levels will be related to trance (270).Swanson, Guy E. - Trance and possession: studies of charismatic influence, 1978 - 3 Variables

    This study examines correlates of trance and possession in pre-industrial societies. Results suggest that the presence of trance/possession is associated with subsistence, number of jurisdictional levels, and community decision-making.

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  8. Number of sovereign groups will be positively associated with monotheism (867-8).Swanson, Guy E. - Monotheism, materialism, and collective purpose: an analysis of underhill's ..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    This article contests Underhill’s (1975) claim that monotheism is associated more strongly with subsistence than political organization in preindustrial societies. The author asserts that when political organization is held constant, there is no relationship between subsistence strategy and monotheism. Number of sovereign groups is found to be a good predictor of monotheism.

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  9. Play group contact will be more common in hunting, gathering, and fishing societies than it is in “at least some more advanced subsistence types.”Konner, Melvin J. - Relations among infants and juveniles in comparative perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates peer relations in infancy, both in primates and in preindustrial human societies. Data from these populations shows a strong tendency toward a multi-age composition of play groups rather than solely peer-aged play groups for infants. Patterns in child care across societies of different subsistence types are empirically examined.

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  10. The use of adult or child nurses to care for the infant or young child will be less likely in hunting, gathering, and fishing societies.Konner, Melvin J. - Relations among infants and juveniles in comparative perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates peer relations in infancy, both in primates and in preindustrial human societies. Data from these populations shows a strong tendency toward a multi-age composition of play groups rather than solely peer-aged play groups for infants. Patterns in child care across societies of different subsistence types are empirically examined.

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