Found 3301 Hypotheses across 331 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. Romantic love is positively associated with allowance of premarital sex (270).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  2. Cultural complexity will be negatively associated with female premarital sexual freedom among foragers (32).Korotayev, Andrey V. - Factors of sexual freedom among foragers in cross-cultural perspective, 2003 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between cultural complexity and female premarital sexual freedom among foragers. To explain the decline of premarital sexual freedom, the authors discuss a few key trends such as the growth of social control and the decline of female status, as well as other variables such as intensification of foraging, social stratification, accumulation of wealth, political integration, and fixity of settlement. A model relating these variables is presented.

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  3. Unilocality will be negatively associated with female premarital sexual freedom among foragers (34).Korotayev, Andrey V. - Factors of sexual freedom among foragers in cross-cultural perspective, 2003 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between cultural complexity and female premarital sexual freedom among foragers. To explain the decline of premarital sexual freedom, the authors discuss a few key trends such as the growth of social control and the decline of female status, as well as other variables such as intensification of foraging, social stratification, accumulation of wealth, political integration, and fixity of settlement. A model relating these variables is presented.

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  4. Polygyny will be negatively associated with female premarital sexual freedom among foragers (36).Korotayev, Andrey V. - Factors of sexual freedom among foragers in cross-cultural perspective, 2003 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between cultural complexity and female premarital sexual freedom among foragers. To explain the decline of premarital sexual freedom, the authors discuss a few key trends such as the growth of social control and the decline of female status, as well as other variables such as intensification of foraging, social stratification, accumulation of wealth, political integration, and fixity of settlement. A model relating these variables is presented.

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  5. Societies in which premarital sex and/or adultery are permitted for both genders will be positively associated with romantic love as a basis for marriage (268).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 3 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  6. Romantic love is negatively associated with extramarital sex prohibition for women (272).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  7. Romantic love is negatively associated with extramarital sex prohibition for both men and women (272).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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  8. Fixity of settlement and social stratification will be negatively associated with female premarital sexual freedom among foragers (38).Korotayev, Andrey V. - Factors of sexual freedom among foragers in cross-cultural perspective, 2003 - 3 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between cultural complexity and female premarital sexual freedom among foragers. To explain the decline of premarital sexual freedom, the authors discuss a few key trends such as the growth of social control and the decline of female status, as well as other variables such as intensification of foraging, social stratification, accumulation of wealth, political integration, and fixity of settlement. A model relating these variables is presented.

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  9. Monopolization of politically important information is correlated with a double standard in regard to extramarital sex (83)Artemova, Olga - Monopolization of information and female status: a cross-cultural test, 2003 - 2 Variables

    This study tests a hypothesis developed in a previous study (Artemova 2003). The authors analyze the relationship between the monopolization of politically important information and gender inequality. Sixty correlations are tested between measures of female status and an indicator of information monopolization; findings support the hypothesis.

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  10. Romantic love is positively associated with extramarital sex allowance (270).de Munck, Victor C. - Sexual equality and romantic love: a reanalysis of rosenblatt's study on the..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Based on work by Rosenblatt (1966), this article tests a hypothesis relating sexual freedom to romantic love. Findings suggest a relationship between premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness equality for women and men and romantic love.

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