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  1. Cold climate and sparse vegetation will be negatively associated with sonority (183).Ember, Carol R. - Climate, econiche, and sexuality: influences on sonority in language, 2007 - 3 Variables

    This article focuses on environmental and social explainations for variations in sonority. As expected, results suggest that climate, vegetation density, and sexuality are associated with sonority.

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  2. A warm climate and dense vegetation will be associated with less sonority (183).Ember, Carol R. - Climate, econiche, and sexuality: influences on sonority in language, 2007 - 3 Variables

    This article focuses on environmental and social explainations for variations in sonority. As expected, results suggest that climate, vegetation density, and sexuality are associated with sonority.

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  3. Number of cold months will be negatively associated with sonority (183).Ember, Carol R. - Climate, econiche, and sexuality: influences on sonority in language, 2007 - 2 Variables

    This article focuses on environmental and social explainations for variations in sonority. As expected, results suggest that climate, vegetation density, and sexuality are associated with sonority.

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  4. Societies in a warm climate with tall dense vegetation will use fewer vowels (850).Ember, Carol R. - High CV score: regular rhythm or sonority?, 2000 - 3 Variables

    This article is a response to Munroe, Fought, and Fought's comments on a previous study of sonority and climate. Authors suggest that the three indices used by Munroe, Fought, and Fought to measure sonority are not the same contruct and present new results that indicate an association between climate, topography, and vowel index.

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  5. Societies in cold climates with sparse or short vegetation will use fewer vowels (850).Ember, Carol R. - High CV score: regular rhythm or sonority?, 2000 - 3 Variables

    This article is a response to Munroe, Fought, and Fought's comments on a previous study of sonority and climate. Authors suggest that the three indices used by Munroe, Fought, and Fought to measure sonority are not the same contruct and present new results that indicate an association between climate, topography, and vowel index.

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  6. In addition to sonority levels, fewer phonetic segments per word offer an important contribution to communicative efficiency (784)Munroe, Robert L. - Response to ember and ember's "climate, econiche, and sexuality: influences ..., 2007 - 2 Variables

    Munroe and Fought attempt to add new perspective to Ember and Ember's (2007) assertion that certain environmental features help to predict mean sonority levels in speech. This article discusses the other possible elements such as word length that might raise the level of communicative efficiency.

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  7. The number of consonant-vowel syllables will be positively associated with temperature (60, 64).Munroe, Robert L. - Cross-cultural correlates of the consonant-vowel (cv) syllable, 1996 - 2 Variables

    This study examines whether language construction, specifically the number of consonant-vowel syllables, will be related to the environment and literacy of a society. Empirical analysis suggests that consonant-vowel syllables are more common in warmer climates and less common in written languages.

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  8. Literacy will be negatively associated with higher C-V scores as Munroe et. al. (1996) suggested (733).Ember, Melvin - Cross-language predictors of consonant-vowel syllables, 2000 - 2 Variables

    This study tests predictors of consonant-vowel prevalence cross-culturally. Authors reevaluate the findings of Munroe et. al. (1996) and also test a new variable—baby-holding—for its relationship to CV score. Results suggest that baby-holding is a significant predictor of CV score.

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  9. Low sonority scores will be associated with higher levels of cultural complexity (38).Fought, John G. - Sonority and climate in a world sample of languages: findings and prospects, 2004 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between sonority and climate. Results suggest that languages spoken in warmer climates have higher levels of sonority than languages spoken in colder climates.

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  10. Strong sonority in the speech signal will be associated with warmer climates (846).Munroe, Robert L. - Rhythmicity or sonority: response to ember and ember's "cross-language predi..., 2000 - 2 Variables

    This article presents a reanalysis of a previous study on language rhythm and consonant-vowel syllables by Ember and Ember (2000). Communicative efficiency, climate, baby-holding, literacy, and mean number of syllables per word were all considered as factors in consonant-vowel syllable use.

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