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  1. As societies become more complex, rules against premarital sex become more restrictive" (17).Goethals, George W. - Factors affecting permissive and nonpermissive rules regarding premarital sex, 1971 - 2 Variables

    The paper presents the preliminary findings of pilot studies testing the factors affecting the variation in rules regarding premarital sex cross-culturally. Only the trends emerging from the pilot studies are discussed. No findings are conclusive.

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  2. As male authority increases, sanctions against premarital sex become more severe (16).Goethals, George W. - Factors affecting permissive and nonpermissive rules regarding premarital sex, 1971 - 2 Variables

    The paper presents the preliminary findings of pilot studies testing the factors affecting the variation in rules regarding premarital sex cross-culturally. Only the trends emerging from the pilot studies are discussed. No findings are conclusive.

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  3. Sexual permissiveness for girls is positively associated with hereditary leadership (8)Barry III, Herbert - Social behaviors associated with hereditary community leadership, 2005 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the homoarchical custom of hereditary community leadership. Four predictors are identified: (1) permission of premarital heterosexual intercourse by females, (2) small community population, (3) multiple social classes or castes, and (4) praying or violence as a component of community ceremonies. Log linear analysis shows all but the third are significantly associated with hereditary community leadership.

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  4. "Complexity of techniques in subsistence economy . . . favors the development of restrictive norms of premarital sex behavior" (402)Murdock, George Peter - Cultural correlates of the regulation of premarital sex behavior, 1964 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the variables that favor restrictive premarital sex norms. Findings indicate that subsistence economy, technology, population size, political integration, belief in a high god, and residence are all correlated with premarital sex norms.

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  5. "Logically, we might expect to find restrictive norms of premarital sex behavior with political complexity and permissive norms with simple political systems" (405)Murdock, George Peter - Cultural correlates of the regulation of premarital sex behavior, 1964 - 2 Variables

    This chapter examines the variables that favor restrictive premarital sex norms. Findings indicate that subsistence economy, technology, population size, political integration, belief in a high god, and residence are all correlated with premarital sex norms.

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  6. "A relative eligible for marriage is likely to be a permissable sex object in advance of marriage, whereas a relative with whom marriage is forbidden tends to be ineligible also for premarital relations" (271-272)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  7. "[We will] find invariable sanctions on premarital sexual activity associated with [rectangular and quadrangular] floor plans and no sanctions on sex associated with [circular floor plans]"Maxwell, Robert J. - Onstage and offstage sex: exploring a hypothesis, 1967 - 2 Variables

    The relationship between restrictions on premarital sex and the privacy of sexual practices is examined, using the degree of impenetrability of house materials as both a proxy and assumed cause for "offstage" or private sex. The author theorizes that permissive premarital sex norms are a response to open dwelling types which are themselves an adaptation to warm temperatures.

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  8. Shorter length of maidenhood and prohibition of premarital sex will be associated with patrilineal descent (293-4).Whiting, John W.M. - The duration of maidenhood across cultures, 1986 - 2 Variables

    This article discusses maidenhood, the period of time between menarche and marriage. In-depth case illustrations provide insights into the social, technological, and environmental factors that affect the length of maidenhood. The authors use cross-cultural evidence to challenge contemporary American assumptions that teenagers are too young to be mothers and that young women should focus on a career before marriage and child-rearing. A variety of descriptive statistics are also presented.

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  9. Controlling on economic and political factors, the effect of marital residence and descent on sexual dominance will approach zero (679)Johnson, G. David - A cross-cultural test of Collins’ theory of sexual stratification, 1982 - 6 Variables

    This article tests Randall Collin's 1975 theory that political-economic factors, rather than family/kinship factors, predict the degree of sexual stratification in a given society. A multivariate model is tested and findings contradict the theory.

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  10. Controlling on marital residence and descent, the effect of economic and political factors to sexual dominance will approach zero (680)Johnson, G. David - A cross-cultural test of Collins’ theory of sexual stratification, 1982 - 6 Variables

    This article tests Randall Collin's 1975 theory that political-economic factors, rather than family/kinship factors, predict the degree of sexual stratification in a given society. A multivariate model is tested and findings contradict the theory.

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