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  1. Patients’ use of ASCs as treatment for illness will be more likely in societies with possession trance (149, 153).Shaara, Lila - A preliminary analysis of the relationship between altered states of conscio..., 1992 - 2 Variables

    This article tests hypotheses relating altered states of consciousness, healing and social structure variables such as gender stratification, female participation, and kinship structure. Results did not support an association between ASCs and gender stratification, but did suggest distinct correlates of possession versus trance healing.

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  2. Altered states of consciousness are examined.Winkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 1 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neurophysiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning altered states of consciousness are tested.

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  3. There will be a relationship between amnesia and trance state, particularly possessionWinkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 2 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neuropsychopsiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness (ASC) in order to design and evaluate a psychophysiological model of trance states. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning ASC are tested.

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  4. There will be a relationship between illness and trance states, particularly possessionWinkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 2 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neuropsychopsiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness (ASC) in order to design and evaluate a psychophysiological model of trance states. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning ASC are tested.

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  5. There will be a relationship between the presence of tremors/convulsions and trance states, particularly possessionWinkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 2 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neuropsychopsiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness (ASC) in order to design and evaluate a psychophysiological model of trance states. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning ASC are tested.

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  6. There will be a relationship between spontaneous onset of conditions and trance states, particularly possessionWinkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 2 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neuropsychopsiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness (ASC) in order to design and evaluate a psychophysiological model of trance states. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning ASC are tested.

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  7. There will be a relationship between compulsive motor behavior and trance states, particularly possessionWinkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 2 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neuropsychopsiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness (ASC) in order to design and evaluate a psychophysiological model of trance states. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning ASC are tested.

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  8. Possession trance beliefs in the context of religious practitioner training will be associated with higher social complexityWinkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 5 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neuropsychopsiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness (ASC) in order to design and evaluate a psychophysiological model of trance states. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning ASC are tested.

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  9. "both psychological variables related to temporal lobe dysinhibition and social variables related to political integration have a strong predictive value in explaining the incidence of possession trance states (198)"Winkelman, Michael James - Trance states: a theoretical model and cross-cultural analysis, 1986 - 4 Variables

    This article offers a detailed analysis of neuropsychopsiological processes involved in altered states of consciousness (ASC) in order to design and evaluate a psychophysiological model of trance states. Cross-cultural hypotheses concerning ASC are tested.

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  10. In correlating descent with prevailing subsistence economy the distribution of cases refutes two evolutionary 19th century assumptions: 1) Matrilineal priority--there was only 1 case in 25 of matrilineal descent among hunter-gatherers 2) unilinear descent during the millenia when men subsisted by food-gathering in absence of agriculture and animal husbandry. 84 percent of hunter-gatherers are characterized by cognatic descent (275)Murdock, George Peter - Settlement patterns and community organization: cross-cultural codes 3, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates residence, descent rules, and family structure. Empirical analysis suggests that they are associated with settlement patterns, particularly economic and demographic variables.

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