Found 3636 Hypotheses across 364 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. "Patrilineal societies should be more likely than matrilineal societies to give greater emphasis to male deities than to female deities" (41).Carroll, Michael P. - The sex of our gods, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study tests several hypothesis about predictors of male or female gods. Results suggest a relationship between relative emphasis on female deities and rule of descent.

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  2. "Among those societies in which parents are the primary agents of socialization, cognatic and double-descent societies should give greater emphasis to female deities than should purely unilineal societies" (48).Carroll, Michael P. - The sex of our gods, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study tests several hypothesis about predictors of male or female gods. Results suggest a relationship between relative emphasis on female deities and rule of descent.

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  3. "The more the father acts as the parental disciplinarian in a society, the more likely is that society to emphasize male deities" (44).Carroll, Michael P. - The sex of our gods, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study tests several hypothesis about predictors of male or female gods. Results suggest a relationship between relative emphasis on female deities and rule of descent.

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  4. "The more the young males in a society are disciplined by males, the more likely is that society to emphasize male deities" (45).Carroll, Michael P. - The sex of our gods, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This study tests several hypothesis about predictors of male or female gods. Results suggest a relationship between relative emphasis on female deities and rule of descent.

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  5. "People who drink excessively and behave aggressively while drunk have belief systems that tend to be characterized by malicious and unpredictable spirits over which they have little control" (157)Schaefer, James Michael - A hologeistic study of family structure and sentiment, supernatural beliefs,..., 1972 - 2 Variables

    This study tests a broad hypothesis that alcohol is employed to relieve anxiety and feelings of powerlessness. Frequency of drunkenness and drunken brawling were associated with several variables, including supernatural beliefs, political systems, settlement patterns, and division of labor.

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  6. "Societies characterized by community endogamy [will] be more likely than other societies to be characterized also by relatively severe menstrual taboos" (283).Carroll, Michael P. - Totem and taboo, purity and danger…and fads and fashion in the study of poll..., 1983 - 2 Variables

    This article examines three theories regarding the existence of pollution rules. Results show support for a psychological theory put forward by Freud that predicts a relationship between father-child contact, post-partum sex taboos, and menstrual taboos.

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  7. "Among those societies characterized by a relatively high degree of father-son contact, the longer the post-partum sex taboo, the less the prevalence of homosexuality" (263).Carroll, Michael P. - Freud on homosexuality and the super-ego: some cross-cultural tests, 1978 - 3 Variables

    This study tests predictions of homosexuality. Results suggest that homosexuality is significantly associated with father-son contact.

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  8. Menstrual taboos will be associated with the presence of a post-partum sex taboo and little father-son contact in early childhood (281).Carroll, Michael P. - Totem and taboo, purity and danger…and fads and fashion in the study of poll..., 1983 - 3 Variables

    This article examines three theories regarding the existence of pollution rules. Results show support for a psychological theory put forward by Freud that predicts a relationship between father-child contact, post-partum sex taboos, and menstrual taboos.

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  9. The length of the post-partum sex taboo will be related to the severity of the menstrual taboos (282).Carroll, Michael P. - Totem and taboo, purity and danger…and fads and fashion in the study of poll..., 1983 - 2 Variables

    This article examines three theories regarding the existence of pollution rules. Results show support for a psychological theory put forward by Freud that predicts a relationship between father-child contact, post-partum sex taboos, and menstrual taboos.

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  10. RETRACTED: Contrary to the Moral High Gods hypothesis, complex societies precede moralizing gods (227).Whitehouse, Harvey - RETRACTED: Complex societies precede moralizing gods throughout world history, 2019 - 2 Variables

    Researchers tackle the moral gods hypothesis which proposes that moral gods enabled large-scale societies to evolve. They use 414 societies spanning 10,000 years in Seshat: Global History Databank and code 51 measures of social complexity and four measures of moral gods. The findings of the present study challenge the moral gods hypothesis. In the societies studied, complex societies appear to precede moral gods rather than the inverse of moral gods preceding complex societies.

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