Found 3196 Hypotheses across 320 Pages (0.047 seconds)
  1. Descent (matrilineal, other, patrilineal) will be negatively associated with female status (381)Pearson, Jr., Willie - Divorce and the status of women, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This paper reports on a cross-cultural test of the theory that higher status of women causes higher divorce rates. This theory has typically been expressed in terms of variations in family authority or in terms of women's economic opportunities (375).

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  2. Female status will be positively associated with divorce rate (378, 381)Pearson, Jr., Willie - Divorce and the status of women, 1979 - 2 Variables

    This paper reports on a cross-cultural test of the theory that higher status of women causes higher divorce rates. This theory has typically been expressed in terms of variations in family authority or in terms of women's economic opportunities (375).

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  3. Egalitarian values will be negatively associated with traditional views on gender roles (403)Lomazzi, Vera - Gender Role Attitudes in the International Social Survey Programme: Cross-Na..., 2020 - 2 Variables

    This study seeks to investigate the association between gender role attitudes and cultural values of embeddedness, hierarchy, and egalitarianism. After establishing approximate measurement equivalence, the authors ran correlations on data from 36 countries included in the latest edition of the International Social Survey Programme carried out in 2012. Results suggest that embeddedness and hierarchy are positively related to traditional gender role attitudes and egalitarianism is negatively related to traditional gender role attitudes.

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  4. Embeddedness will be positively associated with traditional views on gender roles (403)Lomazzi, Vera - Gender Role Attitudes in the International Social Survey Programme: Cross-Na..., 2020 - 2 Variables

    This study seeks to investigate the association between gender role attitudes and cultural values of embeddedness, hierarchy, and egalitarianism. After establishing approximate measurement equivalence, the authors ran correlations on data from 36 countries included in the latest edition of the International Social Survey Programme carried out in 2012. Results suggest that embeddedness and hierarchy are positively related to traditional gender role attitudes and egalitarianism is negatively related to traditional gender role attitudes.

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  5. Emphasis on hierarchy will be positively associated with traditional views on gender roles (403)Lomazzi, Vera - Gender Role Attitudes in the International Social Survey Programme: Cross-Na..., 2020 - 2 Variables

    This study seeks to investigate the association between gender role attitudes and cultural values of embeddedness, hierarchy, and egalitarianism. After establishing approximate measurement equivalence, the authors ran correlations on data from 36 countries included in the latest edition of the International Social Survey Programme carried out in 2012. Results suggest that embeddedness and hierarchy are positively related to traditional gender role attitudes and egalitarianism is negatively related to traditional gender role attitudes.

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  6. There will be an association between higher health and nutrition stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented societies rather than exclusionary-oriented.Peregrine, Peter N. - Political Participation and Long-Term Resilience in Pre-Colombian Societies, 2017 - 2 Variables

    The present study investigates whether there is resilience variability following climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented, which promote participatory and inclusive structures, and exclusionary-oriented, which limit political authority and power. The findings offer modest support for social resilience theory that more flexible (i.e. more participatory) societies would be more resilient after a disaster than less flexible societies. Although only 5 of 14 correlations are significant, the direction is significant by a binomial sign test.

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  7. Complex, hierarchical societies are correlated with the presence of female-dominated possession trance.Wood, Conner P. - Complexity and possession: Gender and social structure in the variability of..., 2018 - 7 Variables

    A previous study conducted by Singh (2017) investigates why and how features of shamanism have culturally evolved, one such feature being shamanistic trance. However, the authors of this article argue that Singh fails to distinguish between different types of shamanistic trance. They find that possession trance, as compared to trance without possession, is primarily dominated by females and found in complex societies.

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  8. The presence of female controlled organizations and positions will be positively associated with socioeconomic complexity and negatively associated with external conflict and intercommunity marriage (843, 848).Ross, Marc Howard - Female political participation: a cross-cultural explanation, 1986 - 4 Variables

    This paper explores societal-level mechanisms associated with women’s participation in and exclusion from political life. Analysis suggests there are two statistically independent types of female political participation: involvement in decision-making and the existence of positions controlled by or reserved for women. Multiple regression analysis identifies several social-structural, psychocultural, and behavioral correlates for both types of female political participation and explanatory theory is discussed.

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  9. Matrilocal/ambilocal residence will be positively associated with higher female status (162).Broude, Gwen J. - Revisiting status-envy: does the theory hold up?, 1989 - 2 Variables

    Author first tests the validity of the variables traditionallyused in tests of status envy theory. Then the author tests some of the implications of the theory and proposes somewhat different mechanisms.

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  10. Hunting will be negatively associated with female status among hunter-gatherers (457)Hayden, Brian - Ecological determinants of women's status among hunter/gatherers, 1986 - 2 Variables

    A materialist approach is used to study the status of women in hunter-gatherer groups. Techno-ecological factors are tested as predictors of women's status.

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