Found 1622 Hypotheses across 163 Pages (0.009 seconds)
  1. The relationship between tightness/looseness and mortality rates for cardiovascular disease and diabetes will exhibit a curvilinear relationship, such that very tight and very loose nations have worse outcomes relative to nations intermediate on tightness-loosenessHarrington, Jesse R. - Culture and National well-being: should societies emphasize freedom or const..., 2015 - 3 Variables

    The purpose of the present study is to provide insight on the debate concerning how best to organize societies: with more freedom (looseness) or with more constraint (tightness). In a comparison of 32 nations, Harrington, Boski, and Gelfand examine the relationship between tightness/looseness and three dimensions of societal well-being: psychosocial, health, and political/economic outcomes. Findings indicate that excessive constraint and/or freedom contribute to poorer psychosocial, health, and economic/political outcomes, as well as overall national-level well-being. These results suggest that a balance of freedom and constraint is associated with optimal societal well-being.

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  2. Tight states will exhibit greater conscientiousness and lower openness compared to loose states (7993).Harrington, Jesse R. - Tightness-looseness across the 50 united states, 2014 - 3 Variables

    Authors contend that many of the differences across the 50 states can be attributed to the degree to which social entities are "tight" (have many strongly enforced rules and little tolerance to deviance) or "loose" (have few strongly enforced rules and greater tolerance for deviance). Significant correlations were found between many state characteristics and tightness-looseness.

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  3. The tightness of a culture will be negatively associated with COVID-19 deaths.Gelfand, Michele J. - The relationship between cultural tightness-looseness and COVID-19 cases and..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between the tightness-looseness of a culture and the variation of COVID-19 cases and deaths through October 2020. With COVID-19 data retrieved from Our World in Data from 57 countries with tightness-looseness figures, the article found the cultures with high levels of tightness had fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths when compared to countries with high levels of looseness. Results suggest support of the evolutionary game theoretic model proposing that people in tight cultures may cooperate with more urgency when under collective threat than people in loose cultures.

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  4. The tightness of a culture will be negatively associated with COVID-19 cases.Gelfand, Michele J. - The relationship between cultural tightness-looseness and COVID-19 cases and..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between the tightness-looseness of a culture and the variation of COVID-19 cases and deaths through October 2020. With COVID-19 data retrieved from Our World in Data from 57 countries with tightness-looseness figures, the article found the cultures with high levels of tightness had fewer COVID-19 cases and deaths when compared to countries with high levels of looseness. Results suggest support of the evolutionary game theoretic model proposing that people in tight cultures may cooperate with more urgency when under collective threat than people in loose cultures.

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  5. The prevalence of pathogens will be positively associated with cultural tightnessJackson, Joshua Conrad - A global analysis of cultural tightness in non-industrial societies, 2020 - 2 Variables

    This article builds on previous cross-country and cross-state research into Tightness-Looseness (TL) theory, which proposes relationships between the incidence of ecological threat and cultural tightness, as well as tightness’ downstream effects on belief in a moralizing high god, inter-group contact and authoritarian leadership. To evaluate the generalizability of TL theory beyond complex cultures, the authors test these relationships among 86 nonindustrial societies from the ethnographic record. A structural equation model is presented of the results for nonindustrial societies; it is generally in accord with previous findings from more complex societies. Because the nonindustrial sample is more variable, they also look at relationships between societal complexity and kinship heterogeneity, aspects that vary in nonindustrial societies.

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  6. Amount of life lost to communicable diseases is positively correlated with tightness-looseness (p.1101).Gelfand, Michele J. - Differences between tight and loose cultures: a 33-nation study, 2011 - 2 Variables

    This article explores differences between "tight" cultures ("have many strong norms and low tolerance of deviant behavior") and "loose" cultures ("have weak social norms and high tolerance of deviant behavior"). The tightness-looseness measure manifests in a myriad of macro and micro phenomena, from governance and religiosity to individual psychological processes. This study investigates these phenomena in modern nations rather than traditional societies. Potential ecological, historical, and socio-political predictors of tightness-looseness are also examined.

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  7. "There is wide variation in tightness-looseness that is distinct from other dimensions of culture, such as individualism-collectivism" (7990).Harrington, Jesse R. - Tightness-looseness across the 50 united states, 2014 - 2 Variables

    Authors contend that many of the differences across the 50 states can be attributed to the degree to which social entities are "tight" (have many strongly enforced rules and little tolerance to deviance) or "loose" (have few strongly enforced rules and greater tolerance for deviance). Significant correlations were found between many state characteristics and tightness-looseness.

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  8. Pathogen prevalence will be positively associated with conformity effect size (321).Murray, Damian R. - On the origins of cultural differences in conformity: Four tests of the path..., 2011 - 2 Variables

    The authors contribute to a growing body of theory which posits cultural differences as a result of variable pathogen prevalence by testing the relationship between pathogen richness and various measures of conformity in a cross-regional sample. After controlling for confounds such as life expectancy, GDP, population density, arable land area, and agricultural labor force, the authors suggest that conformity is emphasized to varying degrees in response to the increased vulnerability to pathogens generally associated with deviation from normative social conduct.

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  9. Pathogen prevalence will be positively associated with percentage of society which prioritizes obedience (321).Murray, Damian R. - On the origins of cultural differences in conformity: Four tests of the path..., 2011 - 2 Variables

    The authors contribute to a growing body of theory which posits cultural differences as a result of variable pathogen prevalence by testing the relationship between pathogen richness and various measures of conformity in a cross-regional sample. After controlling for confounds such as life expectancy, GDP, population density, arable land area, and agricultural labor force, the authors suggest that conformity is emphasized to varying degrees in response to the increased vulnerability to pathogens generally associated with deviation from normative social conduct.

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  10. Pathogen prevalence will be negatively associated with within-population dispositional variability (321-322).Murray, Damian R. - On the origins of cultural differences in conformity: Four tests of the path..., 2011 - 2 Variables

    The authors contribute to a growing body of theory which posits cultural differences as a result of variable pathogen prevalence by testing the relationship between pathogen richness and various measures of conformity in a cross-regional sample. After controlling for confounds such as life expectancy, GDP, population density, arable land area, and agricultural labor force, the authors suggest that conformity is emphasized to varying degrees in response to the increased vulnerability to pathogens generally associated with deviation from normative social conduct.

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