Found 1843 Hypotheses across 185 Pages (0.008 seconds)
  1. Feeding infants and young children on demand will be associated with sharing food (or money) in adulthood (318).Cohen, Yehudi A. - Food and its vicissitudes: a cross-cultural study of sharing and nonsharing, 1961 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between early food gratification, emotional predispositions to share food with others, and community systems. Results suggest that gratification of food needs varies with community type, and young children who receive food whenever they cry or ask are more likely to share food in adulthood. In broader terms, the need to receive from others is gratified differently under different sociological conditions, and these differences influence individuals toward divergent socially patterned behaviors in adulthood.

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  2. "Demand" is not correlated with other aspects of food sharing.Caro, Jorge - Systematic description and analysis of food sharing practices among hunter-g..., 2019 - 1 Variables

    This paper seeks to identify how different practices of food sharing are related to one another, and the degree to which societies in North and South America may share practices with one another. The authors attempt this by using ethnographic literature to break sharing activities down into their constituent, multi-stage parts, and then comparing the prevalence of these parts and their relationships to one another. The study finds that the presence or absence of a distributor in a sharing activity, and who that distributor is, has a significant effect on how sharing is carried out. On the other hand, linguistic relationships between groups seem to have little impact on their sharing practices, and geographic proximity between groups only seems to have a significant effect on sharing practices in North America.

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  3. "If parents in a society try to bring up their children so that they will be anchored in the larger kin group instead of only within the family, . . . the rearing is shared by members of the children's descent group. . . . If the parents in a society try to bring up their children to be anchored within the family . . . these parents will have to insure that their children's upbringing remains principally in their own hands" (66-67)Cohen, Yehudi A. - The transition from childhood to adolescence: cross-cultural studies of ini..., 1964 - 2 Variables

    The theoretical concern of this work is with different types of liability that societies emphasize in their legal systems and how that plays out in understanding the transition from childhood to adolescence as well as variation in incest taboos.

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  4. "[Where] children are brought up by their parents and members of their descent group, and children are subjected to extrusion or brother-sister avoidance at first stage of puberty, joint [rather than several] liability will be found" (141)Cohen, Yehudi A. - The transition from childhood to adolescence: cross-cultural studies of ini..., 1964 - 2 Variables

    The theoretical concern of this work is with different types of liability that societies emphasize in their legal systems and how that plays out in understanding the transition from childhood to adolescence as well as variation in incest taboos.

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  5. ". . . inalienable friendship will be found in the maximally solidary community; clse friendship in scharacteristic of the solidary-fissile . . . casual friendship appears on nonnucleated society . . . and expedient friendship is found in the individuated social structure" (354)Cohen, Yehudi A. - Patterns of friendship, 1961 - 2 Variables

    The author postulates that there are different types of friendship that characterize different societies--"inalienable friendship," "close friendship," "casual friendship," and "expedient friendship." These types are postulated to be characteristic of different types of community systems (described on pages 314-318 of this volume).

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  6. "[Where] children are brought up . . . for sociological interdependence they will be brought up and taught by members of their descent group [and] parents and during the 2nd stage of puberty there may be a further disruption of [the family relationship by an initiation ceremony]" (113)Cohen, Yehudi A. - The transition from childhood to adolescence: cross-cultural studies of ini..., 1964 - 3 Variables

    The theoretical concern of this work is with different types of liability that societies emphasize in their legal systems and how that plays out in understanding the transition from childhood to adolescence as well as variation in incest taboos.

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  7. "Personnel of inchoate incorporative states adopt more restrictive controls over sexual behavior than do those of any other sociopolitical systems. They adopt laws imposing capital punishment for adultery, incest, and the violation of celibacy" (662)Cohen, Yehudi A. - Ends and means in political control: state organization and the punishment ..., 1969 - 5 Variables

    This study investigates political organization and the punishment of nonmarital sex. The author suggests that "the rules governing each type of nonmarital relationship are outgrowths of different relationships between controlling political bodies and local boundary systems."

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  8. Beyond-household sharing will be more habitual in societies with greater resource stress.Ember, Carol R. - Our better nature: Does resource stress predict beyond-household sharing, 2018 - 5 Variables

    The present research investigates food sharing and labor sharing practices of 98 nonindustrial societies. The aims are to: 1) document the frequency and scope of sharing, and 2) test the theory that greater sharing is adaptive in societies subject to more resource stress (including natural hazards).

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  9. The scope of customary sharing would be broader geographically and socially with more resource stress.Ember, Carol R. - Our better nature: Does resource stress predict beyond-household sharing, 2018 - 5 Variables

    The present research investigates food sharing and labor sharing practices of 98 nonindustrial societies. The aims are to: 1) document the frequency and scope of sharing, and 2) test the theory that greater sharing is adaptive in societies subject to more resource stress (including natural hazards).

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  10. Environmental unpredictability will be positively associated with capricious aggression in folktales (475)Cohen, Alex - A cross-cultural study of the effects of environmental unpredictability on a..., 1990 - 2 Variables

    Using a psychoanalytic-materialist approach, the author examines the possible effects of environmental unpredictability on the prevalence of unprovoked aggression by characters in folktales.

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