Found 2258 Hypotheses across 226 Pages (0.031 seconds)
  1. Cross-cousin marriage preference will be related to source of altruism (456).Flinn, Mark V. - Uterine vs. agnatic kinship variability and associated cousin marriage prefe..., 1981 - 2 Variables

    This study discusses many variables that may influence the direction of altruism within a family. Significant relationships were found between paternity certainty, conjugal instability, marital residence, cross-cousin marriage preferences, and direction of altruistic behavior. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of the mother's brother.

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  2. Low confidence of paternity will generate uterine biases in the flow of altruism (445).Flinn, Mark V. - Uterine vs. agnatic kinship variability and associated cousin marriage prefe..., 1981 - 2 Variables

    This study discusses many variables that may influence the direction of altruism within a family. Significant relationships were found between paternity certainty, conjugal instability, marital residence, cross-cousin marriage preferences, and direction of altruistic behavior. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of the mother's brother.

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  3. Marital residence will be related to source of altruism (453).Flinn, Mark V. - Uterine vs. agnatic kinship variability and associated cousin marriage prefe..., 1981 - 2 Variables

    This study discusses many variables that may influence the direction of altruism within a family. Significant relationships were found between paternity certainty, conjugal instability, marital residence, cross-cousin marriage preferences, and direction of altruistic behavior. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of the mother's brother.

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  4. The absence of important resources exchanged for mates will be associated with cross-cousin marriage preferences (236).Flinn, Mark V. - Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human soci..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines cross-cousin marriage preferences from an evolutionary perspective. Results suggest significant associations between cross-cousin marriage preferences and both polygyny and residence.

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  5. Sororal polygyny will be associated with cross-cousin marriages (236).Flinn, Mark V. - Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human soci..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines cross-cousin marriage preferences from an evolutionary perspective. Results suggest significant associations between cross-cousin marriage preferences and both polygyny and residence.

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  6. With marriage of the father's sister's daughter, father-to-son nepotism will also entail mother's brother (husband's father) to sister's daughter (son's wife) nepotism (240).Flinn, Mark V. - Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human soci..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines cross-cousin marriage preferences from an evolutionary perspective. Results suggest significant associations between cross-cousin marriage preferences and both polygyny and residence.

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  7. Marriage of the father's brother's daughter will be more common in societies with patrilocal residence (239).Flinn, Mark V. - Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human soci..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines cross-cousin marriage preferences from an evolutionary perspective. Results suggest significant associations between cross-cousin marriage preferences and both polygyny and residence.

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  8. Marriage of the mother's brother's daughter will be most common in societies with avunculocal residence (240).Flinn, Mark V. - Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human soci..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines cross-cousin marriage preferences from an evolutionary perspective. Results suggest significant associations between cross-cousin marriage preferences and both polygyny and residence.

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  9. In hunter-gatherer societies, divorce is common (407)Apostolou, Menelaos - Sexual selection under parental choice: the role of parents in the evolution..., 2007 - 2 Variables

    This study reveals that in hunting and gathering societies thought to be akin to those of our ancestors, female choice is constained by the control that parents exercise over their daughters. Since parental control is the typical pattern of mate choice among extant foragers, it is likely that this pattern was also prevalent throughout human evolution.

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  10. "Societies with greater resource scarcity will have more positive valuations of fatness in women" (258).Ember, Carol R. - Valuing thinness or fatness in women: reevaluating the effect of resource sc..., 2005 - 2 Variables

    This study focuses on preferences for thinness or fatness in women cross-culturally. Results contradict previous studies and the hypothesis that preference for fatness in women is predicted by resource scarcity. Alternative explanations for valuation of fatness are explored, including climate and male dominance.

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