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  1. Descent, marital residence, and kinship structure will be related to the degree of leniency in child socialization (873).Farber, Bernard - Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organization, 1975 - 4 Variables

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  2. Regime type will be related to kinship structure (884).Farber, Bernard - Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organization, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  3. The presence of factional regimes will be related to the clustering of relatives in the household and community (879).Farber, Bernard - Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organization, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  4. Linear nomenclature for uncles will be associated with succession, financial consideration at marriage, marital residence, and household type (881).Farber, Bernard - Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organization, 1975 - 5 Variables

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  5. Regime type will be associated with marital stability (878).Farber, Bernard - Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organization, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  6. Kinship norms (centripetal vs centrifugal) will be associated with form of inheritance (880).Farber, Bernard - Bilateral kinship: centripetal and centrifugal types of organization, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This paper describes a typology which is intended to indicate the kinds of family and kinship structures associated with the conflicting requirements of cohesion and differentiation of broader social structures.

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  7. "Achievement is stressed in the same kin groups [bilateral and cognatic] that tend to gratify strongly needs for dependency, passivity, and indulgence" (49)Davis, William N. - A cross-cultural study of drunkenness, 1964 - 3 Variables

    This study examines the influence of the "child-adult" conflict on the frequency of drunkenness in a culture. In particular, the author examines the socio-psychological factors that can induce a child-adult conflict, claiming that this conflict may be more common when mothers are the primary dispensers of rewards.

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  8. "Age-differentiating terms used by a brother for his sisters . . . are associated with bilateral descent" (110)Murdock, George Peter - Social structure, 1949 - 2 Variables

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of many aspects of social structure including family, clan, community, kinship terminology, social organization, regulation of sex, incest taboos, and sexual choice.

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  9. "No prediction can be made about the presence or absence of exclusive monogamy from the . . . information [bilateral descent-independent family-small household]" (1461)Chaney, Richard P. - Typology and patterning: Spiro's sample re-examined, 1966 - 4 Variables

    This article suggests that Spiro's (1965) study on typology of social structure used a biased cross-cultural sample and possibly obscured regional patterns in data. Hypotheses related to marital structure, descent rules, food production and social stratification are tested.

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  10. ". . . small extended and polygynous families which are most likely to form fraternal interest groups are . . . more likely in patrilineal societies" (312)Paige, Jeffery M. - Kinship and polity in stateless societies, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This article suggests a theory of the relationship between rules of descent and polity structure. The author suggests that “polity structure in stateless societies is a consequence of the presence or absence of cohesive factions based on lineage or family” (301). Two types of kinship ties produce different polity structures: cross-cutting ties, common in matrilineal societies, lead to political consensus; overlapping ties, common in patrilineal societies, lead to factionalism. Empirical tests support this theory.

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