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  1. Hunting will be will be the least likely subsistence strategy; gathering will be the predominant strategy (42).Lee, Richard B. - What hunters do for a living, or, how to make out on scarce resources, 1968 - 3 Variables

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze thesubsistence activities of the Kung Bushmen. These activities are then used as a benchmark for comparing other hunting and gathering societies. A cross-cultural analysis asks: To what extent are the Bushmen typeical of hunter-gatherers in general? Finding suggets that, as a less reliable subsistence source, hunting is only used as the primarily subsistence strategy when there is no alternative viable subsistence strategy. Findings also suggest that hunting is the dominant mode of subsistence only in the highest latitudes.

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  2. Women are expected to have a role in hunting in the majority of hunter-gatherer communities.Anderson, Abigail - The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnogra..., 2023 - 1 Variables

    After noticing that recent archaeological research has found evidence that women in pre-history were probably hunters, the authors use the ethnographic record from 63 foraging populations to explore the role of women in hunting. They explore what proportion of societies expect women to contribute to hunting, if women hunt, what proportion was opportunistic or intentional, whether women hunters were skilled, and whether women hunted with children.

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  3. Subsistence activities performed by males provides a greater proportion of the hunter-gatherer diet than those performed by females (183).Martin, M. Kay - Female of the species, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This book discusses the role of women cross-culturally. The authors use a cross-cultural sample to examine the differences between men and women in contribution to subsistence as well as the social juxtaposition of the sexes in foraging, horticultural, agricultural, pastoral, and industrial societies.

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  4. The association between a woman working outside the home and exposure to intimate partner violence will differ depending on how economically active women were in the ancestral society.Alesina, Alberto - Violence Against Women: A Cross-cultural Analysis for Africa, 2021 - 4 Variables

    The authors of this study investigate both intimate partner violence (IPV) in Africa and tolerance towards it. Merging Demographic and Health Survey data with information from the Ethnographic Atlas, they take into account a wide range of ancestral characteristics that could influence domestic violence today, including precolonial economic roles and marriage traditions. Their findings indicate that societies in which men were dominant in subsistence and/or had androcentric marital practices have more IPV today, and more acceptance of it. They also find an interesting gender gap in acceptance of IPV, in which women are more likely than men to justify domestic violence.

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  5. Ancestral economic production and living arrangements will be correlated with levels of and attitudes towards intimate partner violence today.Alesina, Alberto - Violence Against Women: A Cross-cultural Analysis for Africa, 2021 - 3 Variables

    The authors of this study investigate both intimate partner violence (IPV) in Africa and tolerance towards it. Merging Demographic and Health Survey data with information from the Ethnographic Atlas, they take into account a wide range of ancestral characteristics that could influence domestic violence today, including precolonial economic roles and marriage traditions. Their findings indicate that societies in which men were dominant in subsistence and/or had androcentric marital practices have more IPV today, and more acceptance of it. They also find an interesting gender gap in acceptance of IPV, in which women are more likely than men to justify domestic violence.

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  6. Women are intentionally involved in hunting in hunter-gatherer communities.Anderson, Abigail - The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnogra..., 2023 - 1 Variables

    After noticing that recent archaeological research has found evidence that women in pre-history were probably hunters, the authors use the ethnographic record from 63 foraging populations to explore the role of women in hunting. They explore what proportion of societies expect women to contribute to hunting, if women hunt, what proportion was opportunistic or intentional, whether women hunters were skilled, and whether women hunted with children.

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  7. ". . . the more a hunter-gatherer society depends upon hunting, the more they should tend toward patrilocality . . ." (202)Ember, Carol R. - Residential variation among hunter-gatherers, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This study explores predictors of variation in two dimensions of marital residence patterns among hunter-gatherers: 1) the tendency toward patrilocality versus matrilocality and 2) the tendency toward unilocality versus bilocality.

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  8. Home range is smaller with increasing actual transpiration.Hamilton, Marcus J. - Nonlinear scaling of space use in human hunter-gatherers, 2007 - 2 Variables

    Using a representative sample of 339 hunter-gatherer societies, researchers examine the relationship between hunter-gatherer use of space, size of population and supply of resources to see if they are similar to other organisms. By combining all factors into a single model, the authors claim to explain 86% of the variation in home range. Hunters have greater resource distribution than gatherers but both more so than aquatic foragers. Lastly, terrestrial foragers have more extensive home ranges than aquatic foragers.

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  9. Type of game women hunt is variable in hunter-gatherer communities.Anderson, Abigail - The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnogra..., 2023 - 1 Variables

    After noticing that recent archaeological research has found evidence that women in pre-history were probably hunters, the authors use the ethnographic record from 63 foraging populations to explore the role of women in hunting. They explore what proportion of societies expect women to contribute to hunting, if women hunt, what proportion was opportunistic or intentional, whether women hunters were skilled, and whether women hunted with children.

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  10. Women’s power in marriage will be associated with nuclear rather than extended family organization (124).Warner, Rebecca L. - Social organization, spousal resources, and marital power: a cross-cultural ..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the effect of family structural complexity, residence and descent system, and female contribution to subsistence on women's power in marriage. Results suggest that wives have more power in marriage where there is nuclear family organization and matrilocality. The authors suggest that resource theory should broaden its conception of valued resources to include dimensions such as family organization patterns.

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