Found 1725 Hypotheses across 173 Pages (0.035 seconds)
  1. "Where the mother (or women in general) serves as primary caretaker in infancy, males will display masculine protest behavior in adulthood, regardless of the status of women in the larger social context (164).Broude, Gwen J. - Revisiting status-envy: does the theory hold up?, 1989 - 3 Variables

    Author first tests the validity of the variables traditionallyused in tests of status envy theory. Then the author tests some of the implications of the theory and proposes somewhat different mechanisms.

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  2. "Where the mother (or women in general) serves as primary caretaker in infancy, and where female status is high in the larger social world, males will engage in couvade practices (164).Broude, Gwen J. - Revisiting status-envy: does the theory hold up?, 1989 - 3 Variables

    Author first tests the validity of the variables traditionallyused in tests of status envy theory. Then the author tests some of the implications of the theory and proposes somewhat different mechanisms.

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  3. The role of the father will be associated with circumcision, the couvade, and protest masculinity (170).Broude, Gwen J. - Revisiting status-envy: does the theory hold up?, 1989 - 4 Variables

    Author first tests the validity of the variables traditionallyused in tests of status envy theory. Then the author tests some of the implications of the theory and proposes somewhat different mechanisms.

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  4. Matrilocal/ambilocal residence will be positively associated with higher female status (162).Broude, Gwen J. - Revisiting status-envy: does the theory hold up?, 1989 - 2 Variables

    Author first tests the validity of the variables traditionallyused in tests of status envy theory. Then the author tests some of the implications of the theory and proposes somewhat different mechanisms.

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  5. Four measures of primary feminine identification will be associated with female control of resources (158).Broude, Gwen J. - Revisiting status-envy: does the theory hold up?, 1989 - 5 Variables

    Author first tests the validity of the variables traditionallyused in tests of status envy theory. Then the author tests some of the implications of the theory and proposes somewhat different mechanisms.

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  6. The role of the father will be the most significant predictor of circumcision, the couvade, and protest masculinity (172).Broude, Gwen J. - Revisiting status-envy: does the theory hold up?, 1989 - 4 Variables

    Author first tests the validity of the variables traditionallyused in tests of status envy theory. Then the author tests some of the implications of the theory and proposes somewhat different mechanisms.

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  7. Societies with male initiation involving both genital operation and isolation are positively associated with painful initiation rites for females.Brown, Judith K. - A cross-cultural study of female initiation rites, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This article discusses initiation rites for girls. Specifically explored are the reasons why the ceremonies are observed in some societies and omitted in others and what the variations between societies demonstrates.

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  8. "If one limits the definition of male initiation rites to only those ceremonies characterized by both a genital operation and seclusion, a very strong relationship emerges between these male rites and those female initiation ceremonies which [cause pain to initiate]" (845)Brown, Judith K. - A cross-cultural study of female initiation rites, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This article discusses initiation rites for girls. Specifically explored are the reasons why the ceremonies are observed in some societies and omitted in others and what the variations between societies demonstrates.

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  9. Societies with male initiation rites involving both genital operation and isolation will be associated with painful initiation rites for femalesBrown, Judith K. - A cross-cultural study of female initiation rites, 1963 - 4 Variables

    This study explores why initiation rites for girls are observed in some societies and absent in others. Further, the author seeks to understand cross-cultural variation in the rites.

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  10. "Female initiation rites will occur in those societies in which the young girl continues to reside in the home of her mother after marriage" (841)Brown, Judith K. - A cross-cultural study of female initiation rites, 1963 - 2 Variables

    This article discusses initiation rites for girls. Specifically explored are the reasons why the ceremonies are observed in some societies and omitted in others and what the variations between societies demonstrates.

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