Found 4629 Hypotheses across 463 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. Expressed resource need in traditional societies will be positively associated with recent population increase and environmental degradation (359).Low, Bobbi S. - Behavioral ecology of conservation in traditional societies, 1996 - 3 Variables

    This article investigates resource availability and use in traditional societies, testing the belief that traditional societies are more environmentally responsible and sustainable. The author finds that these pre-industrial societies often do not express a conservation ethic; in fact, there are cases where resource use causes environmental degradation, especially following rapid population growth or technological development. In short, resource practices are affected by ecological variables, not by a particular attitude shared by traditional societies.

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  2. Resource scarcity and plant productivity will be associated with resource utilization patterns (360).Low, Bobbi S. - Behavioral ecology of conservation in traditional societies, 1996 - 3 Variables

    This article investigates resource availability and use in traditional societies, testing the belief that traditional societies are more environmentally responsible and sustainable. The author finds that these pre-industrial societies often do not express a conservation ethic; in fact, there are cases where resource use causes environmental degradation, especially following rapid population growth or technological development. In short, resource practices are affected by ecological variables, not by a particular attitude shared by traditional societies.

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  3. Resource scarcity will be associated with expressed resource need/conservation ethic (360).Low, Bobbi S. - Behavioral ecology of conservation in traditional societies, 1996 - 3 Variables

    This article investigates resource availability and use in traditional societies, testing the belief that traditional societies are more environmentally responsible and sustainable. The author finds that these pre-industrial societies often do not express a conservation ethic; in fact, there are cases where resource use causes environmental degradation, especially following rapid population growth or technological development. In short, resource practices are affected by ecological variables, not by a particular attitude shared by traditional societies.

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  4. Degree of polygyny, as well as the degree of non-sororal polygyny, will be positively related to pathogen stress (239).Low, Bobbi S. - Human responses to environmental extremeness and uncertainty: a cross-cultur..., 1988 - 2 Variables

    This article focuses on the effect of environmental extremes and unpredictability on human behavior and reproductive strategies. Significant correlations were found between environmental extremes and unpredictability and several variables, including mobility, subsistence mode, and degree of polygyny.

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  5. Patterns of food storage and trade will be related to rainfall predictability (238).Low, Bobbi S. - Human responses to environmental extremeness and uncertainty: a cross-cultur..., 1988 - 2 Variables

    This article focuses on the effect of environmental extremes and unpredictability on human behavior and reproductive strategies. Significant correlations were found between environmental extremes and unpredictability and several variables, including mobility, subsistence mode, and degree of polygyny.

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  6. The degree of polygyny will be greatest in fluctuating environments and least in predictably constant environments (238).Low, Bobbi S. - Human responses to environmental extremeness and uncertainty: a cross-cultur..., 1988 - 2 Variables

    This article focuses on the effect of environmental extremes and unpredictability on human behavior and reproductive strategies. Significant correlations were found between environmental extremes and unpredictability and several variables, including mobility, subsistence mode, and degree of polygyny.

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  7. Environmental extremeness and range of variation will influence population density, mobility, and subsistence mode (238).Low, Bobbi S. - Human responses to environmental extremeness and uncertainty: a cross-cultur..., 1988 - 4 Variables

    This article focuses on the effect of environmental extremes and unpredictability on human behavior and reproductive strategies. Significant correlations were found between environmental extremes and unpredictability and several variables, including mobility, subsistence mode, and degree of polygyny.

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  8. Unpredictability in climatic variables, particularly rainfall, will influence primary productivity, presence of herbivores, and availability of food (238).Low, Bobbi S. - Human responses to environmental extremeness and uncertainty: a cross-cultur..., 1988 - 4 Variables

    This article focuses on the effect of environmental extremes and unpredictability on human behavior and reproductive strategies. Significant correlations were found between environmental extremes and unpredictability and several variables, including mobility, subsistence mode, and degree of polygyny.

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  9. Patrilocality will be positively associated with men's training for obedience (p. 312).Low, Bobbi S. - Cross-cultural patterns in the training of children: an evolutionary perspective, 1989 - 3 Variables

    This article offers a behavioral ecological approach to the study of child training practicies. Gender differences in child training are discussed in light of evolutionary theory, and the author suggests training is likely tailored to promote the reproductive success of each gender. Generally, boys are trained to be more aggressive, stronger, and self-reliant; girls are trained to be more hard-working, responsible, obedient, and sexually restrained. Gender differences in child training frequently vary with degree of polygyny and/or social stratification in a society.

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  10. Lack of agriculture will be negatively associated with female inheritance of property, while intensive agriculture will be positively associated with female inheritance (6)Low, Bobbi S. - Sex, power, and resources: ecological and social correlates of sex differences, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article focuses on ecological correlates of sexual division in the control of resources. The author tests several ecological theories put forth by others. Sex coalitions are examined in humans, and sexual dimorphism in resource acquisition and control is discussed.

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