Found 2382 Hypotheses across 239 Pages (0.045 seconds)
  1. "There is . . . [an] advance in the public enforcement of justice [as opposed to retaliation or private justice] as we ascend the scale [of economic development]" (61, 75)Hobhouse, L. T. - The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples: an ess..., 1915 - 2 Variables

    An early cross-cultural study that sought to establish correlations between "stages" of economic culture and a variety of different social and political institutions, such as form of government and justice, marriage and kinship, and behaviors during warfare.

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  2. External commercial moneys appear at lower economic levels than internal commercial moneys (172).Pryor, Frederic L. - The origins of the economy: a comparative study of distribution in primitive..., 1977 - 3 Variables

    Considerable disagreement exists in regard to the origin and distribution of economic phenomena such as money, slavery, markets, exchange, and imbalanced transfers. Here the author utilizes a worldwide cross-cultural sample of 60 pre-industrial "societies" to empirically test many economic hypotheses, with a focus on distributional mechanisms and institutions.

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  3. ". . . a high correlation between the degree of political integration of a society and the presence and absence of what was called 'religious education' [deliberate instruction by non-kin without change of residence]" (312)Herzog, John D. - Deliberate instruction and household structure: a cross-cultural study, 1962 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among the instruction of children, household type and size, and political integration. Particular attention is paid to type of instruction--whether the instructor is kin or non-kin, and whether the instruction requires a change in the child's residence. Different types of instruction are theorized to solve problems for children in different household types (e.g. children in mother-child households experience gender identity conflict, and so leave their houses for instruction from non-kin). The causality between instruction and societal complexity is also discussed.

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  4. Traditions of local democracy will be positively associated with rule of law, control of corruption, and per capita income (86).Giuliano, Paola - The transmission of democracy: from the village to the nation-state, 2013 - 4 Variables

    This paper adds to a body of research which analyzes the persistence of institutional features in societies over time by testing for association between local democracy (succession by consensus among preindustrial groups) and various measures of democracy in contemporary societies. The researchers conclude that beliefs and values which perceive democracy as a viable political structure may be an important mediating mechanism in producing and maintaining democratic instututions over time.

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  5. Precolonial centralization will be positively correlated with public goods provisioning in Africa. (195)Gennaioli, Nicola - The modern impact of precolonial centralization in Africa, 2007 - 2 Variables

    In this study, the authors empirically assess the relationship between precolonial centralization and the implementation of modernization programs by African governments. Their findings indicate that current African countries tend to have better provisioning of public goods (including better access to education, healthcare, and infrastructure) when their ethnic groups' precolonial institutions were more centralized.

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  6. Hunter gatherers have fewer religious coping mechanisms than intensive agriculturalists.Pierro, Rachele - Local knowledge and practice in disaster relief: A worldwide cross-cultural ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The article discusses the importance of incorporating local knowledge and strategies into sustainable climate change adaptation. The authors examined 90 societies from the ethnographic record to document the coping mechanisms and contingency plans used by societies around the world in response to natural hazards. They classified coping mechanisms into four types: technological, subsistence, economic, and religious. The study finds that most societies employ multiple types of coping mechanisms and that technological coping mechanisms are most common in response to fast-onset hazards, while religious coping mechanisms are most common in response to slow-onset hazards. The study also finds that religious and nonreligious coping strategies are not mutually exclusive and are often used in conjunction with each other.

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  7. Hunter gatherers have fewer technological coping mechanisms than intensive agriculturalists.Pierro, Rachele - Local knowledge and practice in disaster relief: A worldwide cross-cultural ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The article discusses the importance of incorporating local knowledge and strategies into sustainable climate change adaptation. The authors examined 90 societies from the ethnographic record to document the coping mechanisms and contingency plans used by societies around the world in response to natural hazards. They classified coping mechanisms into four types: technological, subsistence, economic, and religious. The study finds that most societies employ multiple types of coping mechanisms and that technological coping mechanisms are most common in response to fast-onset hazards, while religious coping mechanisms are most common in response to slow-onset hazards. The study also finds that religious and nonreligious coping strategies are not mutually exclusive and are often used in conjunction with each other.

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  8. Hunter gatherers have fewer economic coping mechanisms than intensive agriculturalists.Pierro, Rachele - Local knowledge and practice in disaster relief: A worldwide cross-cultural ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The article discusses the importance of incorporating local knowledge and strategies into sustainable climate change adaptation. The authors examined 90 societies from the ethnographic record to document the coping mechanisms and contingency plans used by societies around the world in response to natural hazards. They classified coping mechanisms into four types: technological, subsistence, economic, and religious. The study finds that most societies employ multiple types of coping mechanisms and that technological coping mechanisms are most common in response to fast-onset hazards, while religious coping mechanisms are most common in response to slow-onset hazards. The study also finds that religious and nonreligious coping strategies are not mutually exclusive and are often used in conjunction with each other.

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  9. There is no difference in food availability between foragers and agriculturalists (121).Benyshek, Daniel C. - Exploring the thrifty genotype's food-shortage assumptions: a cross-cultural..., 2006 - 2 Variables

    This article tests the assumption that foragers are more likely to experience regular and severe food shortages than sedentary agriculturalists. The results indicate that there is no statistical difference in the quantity of available food or the frequency or extent of food shortages between preindustrial foragers, recent foragers, and agriculturalists.

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  10. Non-ICM subjects will be more associated with conflict than non-ICM subjects.Lundy, Brandon D. - The Effectiveness of Indigenous Conflict Management Strategies in Localized ..., 2022 - 3 Variables

    This paper seeks to understand how the conflict resolution strategies of indigenous and non-indigenous groups differ in their efficacy. The authors suggest that indigenous methods of conflict resolution are more effective than non-indigenous methods by demonstrating that subjects from the Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM) associated with indigenous conflict management (ICM) will co-occur less frequently with OCM terms related to conflict than subjects related to non-ICM. They tested this by selecting OCM subjects that they felt best represented ICM, non-ICM, and instances of conflict and using chi-square tests to show how often these subjects co-occurred. They subsequently split up the "conflict" variable into four forms of conflict in order to show whether any of these forms might be more frequently found associated with ICM or non-ICM subjects. The results showed that conflict subjects were more likely to co-occur with non-ICM subjects, and that sociocultural/interpersonal conflicts were more likely to be associated with ICM subjects, whereas political conflicts were more likely to be associated with non-ICM subjects.

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