Found 2758 Hypotheses across 276 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. "[In factor analysis of Murdock's WES, for the factor called matrilineal descent] the absence of this trait is combined with the forbidding of marriage of a man to his MoSiDa and a low loading (.44) of Hawaiian kin classification" (335)Driver, Harold E. - Correlational analysis of murdock's 1957 ethnographic sample, 1967 - 3 Variables

    This paper "reduces Murdock's 210 categories to 30 variables, and intercorrelates and factor analyzes the variables for six world subdivisions as well as for the entire world." This article also discusses factor analysis as a method and examines the correlations more closely between the two regions that differed the most, North America and the Circum-Mediterranean.

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  2. "[In factor analysis of Murdock's WES, for factor deviant patricentered organization variables loading heavily are] patrilineal descent and kindreds unreported, patrilineal succession other than Br or So or preference unspecified, and hunting-gathering important but not dominant" (335)Driver, Harold E. - Correlational analysis of murdock's 1957 ethnographic sample, 1967 - 4 Variables

    This paper "reduces Murdock's 210 categories to 30 variables, and intercorrelates and factor analyzes the variables for six world subdivisions as well as for the entire world." This article also discusses factor analysis as a method and examines the correlations more closely between the two regions that differed the most, North America and the Circum-Mediterranean.

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  3. In factor analysis of Murdock's WES, for the factor called agriculture, variables loading on this are cereal grains dominant, agriculture dominant, agriculture sex division of labor about equal and compact villages and towns (336, 340)Driver, Harold E. - Correlational analysis of murdock's 1957 ethnographic sample, 1967 - 4 Variables

    This paper "reduces Murdock's 210 categories to 30 variables, and intercorrelates and factor analyzes the variables for six world subdivisions as well as for the entire world." This article also discusses factor analysis as a method and examines the correlations more closely between the two regions that differed the most, North America and the Circum-Mediterranean.

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  4. "[In factor analysis of Murdock's WES, for the factor called typical patricentered organization] variables heavily loaded include patrilineal descent, patrilocal residence, and brideprice" (334)Driver, Harold E. - Correlational analysis of murdock's 1957 ethnographic sample, 1967 - 4 Variables

    This paper "reduces Murdock's 210 categories to 30 variables, and intercorrelates and factor analyzes the variables for six world subdivisions as well as for the entire world." This article also discusses factor analysis as a method and examines the correlations more closely between the two regions that differed the most, North America and the Circum-Mediterranean.

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  5. Sorcerers/witches and healers will be predicted by other socio-political conditions.Winkelman, Michael J. - An ethnological analogy and biogenetic model for interpretation of religion ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    Expanding on the author’s previous findings, this article examines the social and economic variables that may explain the cultural evolution of religious practitioners. With a 47 society sample, the author found that subsistence activities and socio-political conditions predict magico-religious practitioner types (sorcerers/witches, priests, shamanistic healers, mediums, healers, shaman/healers, and shamans) with the strongest results being from subsistence and political organization. He then used these findings to theorize about the biogenetic bases of religion in societies.

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  6. ". . . high stratification of freeman is associated with hereditary slavery, and low stratification with the absence of slavery" (694)Aberle, David F. - Matrilineal descent in cross-cultural perspective, 1961 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores and tests some propositions about matrilineal societies. Supplementary to that discussion, the author also explores the problems of method associated with the use of coded data on large samples of cultures.

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  7. Slavery will be associated with lower permeability of communities (a measure of more warfare) among nonpastoralist societiesHrnčíř, Václav - Archaeology of slavery from cross-cultural perspective, 2017 - 2 Variables

    The authors examine correlations between slavery and variables that can potentially be detected archaeologically. The authors do not test specific hypotheses, but aim to explore the variables in a broader sense. As such, the authors use a grounded theory approach to data analysis in order to examine trends that emerge from the data itself.

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  8. In Western North America, matrilocal residence is positively associated with public recognition of girls' puberty (905).Driver, Harold E. - Girls' puberty rites and matrilocal residence, 1969 - 2 Variables

    This study challenges an earlier paper's claim that matrilocal residence predicts the development of girls' puberty rites. The author suggests that girls' puberty rites may in fact predate matrilocality in some locations.

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  9. Kin avoidance behavior will be associated with culture area, language family, descent, residence, and kinship terminology.Driver, Harold E. - Geographical-historical versus psycho-functional explanations of kin avoidances, 1966 - 6 Variables

    This article re-examines previous hypotheses by Tylor regarding kin avoidance behavior. The author tests hypotheses on a sample of North American societies that accounts for genetic language families. Results provide partial support for hypotheses.

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  10. "The limited family [nuclear, stem and lineal] is found with complexity of economy, of stratification, and of settlement pattern; this type of family is associated with monogamous marriage and small family size" (304)Osmond, Marie W. - A cross-cultural analysis of family organization, 1969 - 6 Variables

    This study uses a multiple regression analysis to examine the relationship between society type and several variables of societal organization. Results suggest that limited family type is more likely to be found in complex societies.

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