Found 2184 Hypotheses across 219 Pages (0.044 seconds)
  1. "Results support the expected relationship between . . . societal differentiation and family type" (155)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 2 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  2. "[There is an] absence of association between family type and modes of marriage . . . and between women's contribution to subsistence and modes of marriage" (157)Evascu, Thomas L. - A holocultural study of societal organization and modes of marriage: a gene..., 1975 - 3 Variables

    The author examines modes of marriage and societal organization from a functionalist (general evolutionary) perspective. He focuses on the relationships of subsistence (economic) patterns, settlement patterns, and social complexity to predicting modes of marriage, with particular emphasis on the importance of subsistence as an underlying structural influence upon social patterns.

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  3. "It is apparent, as one would expect, that wife-to-husband deference is highly characteristic of Husband Dominant societies" (60)Schlegel, Alice - Male dominance and female autonomy: domestic authority in matrilineal societies, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This book examines male and female power in various kinship configurations. Variables for male dominance and female autonomy are associated with various political and social variables, such as political complexity and co-wife jealousy. Several hypotheses are supported.

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  4. ". . . the effect of focus on mother's descent group does not reverse the allocation of roles in the nuclear family" (335)Zelditch, Morris - Role differentiation in the nuclear family: a comparative study, 1955 - 2 Variables

    In a volume devoted to the understanding of the American family, the author, using data from 56 societies, tests a couple of hypotheses about role differentiation in the nuclear family.

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  5. ". . . in patrilineal, bilateral, and dual descent cases . . . we would expect that the father would take the instrumental role" (335)Zelditch, Morris - Role differentiation in the nuclear family: a comparative study, 1955 - 2 Variables

    In a volume devoted to the understanding of the American family, the author, using data from 56 societies, tests a couple of hypotheses about role differentiation in the nuclear family.

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  6. ". . . in the avunculate . . . the relation between maternal uncle and nephew is to the relation between brother and sister as the relation between father and son is to that between husband and wife". [Attitudes are either free and familiar or hostile and reserved] (99, 100)Ryder, James W. - The avunculate: a cross-cultural critique of Claude Levi-Strauss, 1970 - 5 Variables

    The authors test Levi-Strauss' theory of the avunculate, a special relationship between a mother's brother and his sister's son. They critique the theory on the grounds that many societies have a special relationship that could be called the avunculate but lack the other relationships predicted by Levi-Strauss.

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  7. "There appeared to be a statistically significant association between patrilinearity and instrumental leadership of the father and father's sister and expressive leadership of mother's brother" (66)Berting, J. - Solidarity, stratification and sentiment: the unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article tests differing theories of why a man's marriage of his mother's brother's daughter is often encouraged while marriage of the father's sister's daughter is discouraged. Maintenance of relationships between bride-givers and bride takers is considered, as are the role of childhood sentiments in choosing a spouse.

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  8. "[In societies where] jural authority [is] in the hands of the father or his lineage . . . mother's brother [will have] an unequivocally male-mother role [indulgent]" [This hypothesis is taken from Homans and Schneider] (1010)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - On the incompatibility of duty and affection: a note on the role of the mot..., 1966 - 2 Variables

    This article discusses the role of the mother's brother. Results suggest that role of the mother's brother is associated with descent and residence.

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  9. "Sibling avoidance occurs most frequently in societies with husband authority, as a mechanism for keeping the brother, who has some authority over his sister within the descent group, from interfering in her marriage, in which her husband has authority" (26)Schlegel, Alice - Male dominance and female autonomy: domestic authority in matrilineal societies, 1972 - 2 Variables

    This book examines male and female power in various kinship configurations. Variables for male dominance and female autonomy are associated with various political and social variables, such as political complexity and co-wife jealousy. Several hypotheses are supported.

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  10. ". . . Malinowski's hypothesis . . . states that we expect all matrilineal cases to show both father and mother [have] expressive [roles]" (329)Zelditch, Morris - Role differentiation in the nuclear family: a comparative study, 1955 - 2 Variables

    In a volume devoted to the understanding of the American family, the author, using data from 56 societies, tests a couple of hypotheses about role differentiation in the nuclear family.

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